Oh my god, livejournal is 10 years old? There's a banner ad here notifying me. Goes to check... OK, I started with LJ in 2001. I thought it may have been earlier, but that's still a long while ago
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Did I tell you I had started Bioshock? I picked it up a couple of months back (it turns out Bobby owns it). I really like the retro-futuristic, pseudo-steampunk atmosphere. I've even been able to excuse it for being a first-person shooter, because I can tell it's important to the feel of the game to not having the degree of separation between "self" and "character" that a third-person view would afford. Getting ambushed feels way more scary this way, for example. Actually, I was enjoying gameplay, but I elected to put it down once the initial creepiness factor wore off, hoping that when I came back to it I would be more susceptible to the scares again. I'll probably pick it back up again after Thanksgiving. Thanks for the recommendation!
Also, I'd like to start the petition to bring the gray centered "closing thought" text back.
I've always bought into the FPS genre. I maintain that if the game is primarily about shooting, it better be first person, not third. I give leeway to stealth games like Metal Gear Solid because the stealth is at least as important as shooting, and stealth requires a positional awareness that's hard to get in a first person view. But I'm sure to be disappointed by anything labeled a third person shooter.
I thought about the gray closing text at the start of the entry, but had completely forgotten about it by the end...
Comments 2
Also, I'd like to start the petition to bring the gray centered "closing thought" text back.
I thought about the gray closing text at the start of the entry, but had completely forgotten about it by the end...
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