Challenge # 100

Jul 02, 2010 02:28

We can't believe we've made it to 100 awesome kstewicontest challenges. As a special treat for all our loyal and ultra creative members, we've prepared a special 100th challenge for everyone. We hope you all enjoy and help us in celebrating our 100 challenges and hopefully 100+ more to come.
Challenge Rules
- You may submit ONE SET of FIVE (5) icons (one icon per theme)
- Use ANY PHOTO as long as it follows the challenge's themes
- Voting will be for individual icons for each theme AND an entire icon set as a whole
- The winning icon set will receive paid time or it's equivalent in additional userpics etc.
- Deadline for submission is TWO WEEKS from now, Friday, July 16, 10 PM EST

Standard Rules
- Icons must comply with LJ's standards (100x100 pixels and mus be less than 40 kb)
- Effects like blending, use of text and textures are allowed; however animations are prohibited
- Icons entered in the challenge cannot be posted anywhere else until the challenge results are posted
- Submit icons by replying to this entry in image form (IMG SRC) and in URL form

The ABCDEs of Kristen Stewart

hover for creditKristen is always out and about and with the many photos of all her appearances from when she was just a kid to the present, we didn't want to restrict you to your photo choices. So there will be no required photos (You may use ANY PHOTO); just required themes you'll have to follow. Don't worry, they're real easy. Just go wild and have fun. Be as creative and crazy as possible. It's our 100th. Show us what you've got

Awards Shows

hover for creditTalented as Kristen is, she's been to a whole slew of Awards shows whether nominated or presenting. Unlike events, Kristen goes the extra mile in glamming up for these things. Just pick an awards show -- don't worry, there's a ton.

Behind the Scenes

hover for creditWhether playing Bella or Joan or any of her many other roles, it's always fun to see Kristen in character. Avoid production stills, use on set photos instead and get a better glimpse of Kristen underneath the character and costume


hover for creditAs much as Kristen hates the paparazzi, there are some great shots of her at the airport or out in LA. So go use your favorite candid whether Kristen's with her favorite sunnies or sneakers, flipping the bird or flashing a smile


hover for creditI know I forced the word Dialogue but it actually just means a conversation between two or more persons. See? Easy! Pick any photo of Kristen being interviewed either on TV or a press con or a panel. As long as she's being interviewed, it's a go!


hover for creditBe it movie premieres or charity events or fashion shows, as long as Kristen is there on official business then it's good to go. As long as it's NOT an awards show, okay?

Example of a Complete Entry

awards show, behind the scenes, candids, dialogue and events

Making five different icons is one thing. But to make an entire set that works together as a whole (but is also great individually) is the challenge we leave to you. Make your set a cohesive one. One that you feel really represents you as an iconmaker while embodying your love for Kristen.

Five icons may also be intimidating, but don't be afraid. Just have fun. It is our 100th challenge and we just wanted to thank you all for being with us all this time. If you have ANY questions at all, don't hesitate to comment here.

And spread the word about kstewicontest's 100th challenge. The more entries, the more fun we have choosing our favorites. Hope to see you all join!


! special challenge, challenge 100

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