there's no else like you ♥

Jul 26, 2010 20:42

heyyy i'm still alive~ XP i meant to write this post last week, but because i had to go and work for my dad most of last week, this post is overdue. so many things to talk about ! :)

1. Happy news! Since i'm working, this means i'm earning (a little bit of) money. and the first thing i do is spend that money lol -____- on a 32GB iPod touch :D well my mom encouraged me and i've been wanting it for a really long time. so i gave in lol 32GB is a lot, now i have so much room for music, pictures, videos :DD yeah... but i still haven't sync anything yet because iTunes needs some getting use to; i haven't used it for years O: except for listening to music.

2. Oh! My Lady. i actually finished this O: it's a miracle because for some unknown reason i always leave kdramas unfinished lol (with like one or two episodes /weird) and i really enjoyed it. even though seeing siwon with an older woman makes me uncontrollably laugh or just cringe. not in a bad way! it just weirds me out lol and i usually like younger guy-older woman couples O: such as Kim Bum and the lady from The Women who still want to Marry /long title -__- another thing, while watching certain scenes, i found siwon to be very attractive/hot lol and that's never really happened before O: because well he's not really my type or bias so... his daughter in the drama is so cute >.< i love their father-daughter scenes :) <3

3. Trying to finish up fic. it sucks because i wanted to finish it last week. so now with the next three days that i'm free i will WRITE WRITE WRITE :D

4. New sushi place! it opened just down the street from my house :D it's so great, now i can walk to get some sushi and not having to drive kilometers to get it lol i'm gonna see if some of my friends want to go.

5. Lucifer! SHINee's album :D i'm so late in fangirling over it. one thing, I LOVE IT :D the songs are great, my favs would have to be A-Yo and Obsession. i think(!) in Shout Out, it sounded so much like someone jonghyun was moaning in the background LOL obviously i need to get my mind out of the gutter XDDD Up and Down is annoying in that catchy way or the other way around, but i still like it XD i know it's still early in their promotions, but i would love it if they performed A-Yo for their follow-up, unless they're having a repackaged album O: hmm. i really like Taemin's look for Lucifer :D i don't really fangirl him that much, but i thought he was pretty hot hahaha. and we're the same age too lol /random most of the boy idol groups are older than me, for once i want to be a noona XD;

6. SUJU's goodbye stage D: saddens me like no other /bricked but really. pun aside, i'm gonna miss them ;~; i mean when i think about this probably the last time seeing them (somewhat) whole. teukie and heechul are going off to military next year and the group is most likely to split up into subgroups ): i might take OTP too far but i really hope Eunhyuk and Donghae will stay together in a group. without them, i'll cry D: especially when those two go off for military training, ;___; ♥

7. SJ BIC HK Photobook! I have it! :D i picked it up last Saturday. i haven't watched the DVD yet. the postcards are really nice and pretty. though i would have to say i like the Tokyo one better because some of the photos in this one are very dark and you can't make out the faces/scenery. plus the other one came with a calendar XD

8. Meme #1 taken from yunsias

01. Anyone who looks at this entry has to post this meme and their current wallpaper at their LiveJournal.
02. Explain in five sentences why you're using that wallpaper!
03. Don't change your wallpaper before doing it! The point is to see what you had on!

One, it's Donghae, who can resist that smile? :D Two, the wallpaper is totally gorgeous. Three, it was when No Other MV came out and I adore the mv. Four, umm running out of reasons the blue is very easy on the eyes ;P Five, because it's nice to see Donghae first thing i turn on my laptop and he's giving me a rose haha~

Meme #2!

Ask me to take a picture of any aspect of my life that you're interested in - it can be anything from the house I live in to my personal belongings. Leave your choice here as a comment, and I will respond by taking the pictures of the things that you've requested and posting them in my next entry. That way you get to know a little bit about my life.

Ahh, I miss doing memes :) Another long word-y post, hopefully next one will be picture-filled. That's all for today, this took me an hour to write lol bye~

fangirling, sm: shinee, dramas, sm: super junior, meme, suju: eunhyuk, suju: donghae, fandom love, life

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