i know. the first thing i post after a long time, is about super junior.
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i'm so proud to be an elf. idk, this video kinda brought out all kinds of different feelings from me. i was tearing up in the middle and just flat out crying by the end. they are just so amazing and i don't ever want them to split up. ;___; the thought of it makes me sad. but that aside, i am so happy to see zhoumi and henry in SS4. and ugh, donghae is just so hot~ in the midst of crying, i was flailing at how hot he looked with sunglasses lol
i can't really express my feelings well in words. i want to watch more fancams and hope to be actually at one of the shows in the future. i'll always support them <3
i was too emotional and excited and happy and lots of other feelings, that i felt too overwhelmed and had to express it somewhere. so a random post is random. uni life is kinda stressful and tiring that i rarely post/comment these days, but it's always fun to fangirl~ :D
and that ends my update for today haha. ^^/~