Title : I Wish You Were Back [part 2 (i)]
Author : Aira
Fandom : NEWS
Genre : AU, Angsttt
Rating : PG-13 to be safe
Summary : Ryo wants Tegoshi back
A/N : Err.. finally, an update. im sorry it took me quite some time for this. @.@ im torn between the two genres of ending. Maa~ just read this one in order to know which one i chose. Happy reading^^
A black Mercedes )
Comments 6
and since i had been bugging you about the fluffy ending, i hope i can go online tmr and read it! hehehe. yeaayyyy. thanks dear ^_~ nice work!
yeay. Pi is my favourite enabler. 8DDDD
*Off to read*
...the explosion was very unexpected, but you know what that explosion-plane thingy remind me of? Final Destination (you've seen it?) a plane also explodes in the movie...it's like a horror movie thing...
and wats Pi up to? Hmm...he gave pills...is that legal? xD
Even though I'm on the angsty side, I'll continue it, for the sake of the story being so good...xD
uwaa~ wth?! now i'm really looking forward for the fluff one because although i love angst, i don't want character death so yeah, i'll just wait for more lol
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