I just can't get enough of them! hahaa
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Although I don't speak any Korean at all, I don't understand any Korean they were saying. However, they sounds so cute when they speak!!! Moe~~~~
Taguchi is amazing almost. He can even pull that "iriguchi deguchi" intro in Korean! haha!
(Here's the brief translation. It's not word-by-word. Just in general! :p)
Host: How do you think about your first stage in Korea?
Koki: This is our first time seeing the Korean fans. I'm very happy and look forward to the concert. (and then Koki said "chaego" which means "the best" in Korean. Thanks for
chosoo translating!)
Host: Please say something in Korean that you know.
(Again..dun understand Korean. Sorry! But Tachan's Korean is wayyyyy too cute! MOE!!!! Nakamaru is kinda like old grandpa talking. LOL. cute, too. And Kame's "oppa." Kyaaaaaaaaaaa)
Host: Do you guys have any Korean singers in particularly that you like?
Koki: Rain
Tachan: HanHyoJoo (
check her pic here! She is an actress)
Host: Yeah...she is not a singer..... (But we all know Tachan likes beautiful oneesan! :p)
Host: Do you guys know CNBLUE? (The host is from the group)
KAT-TUN: (confused)
Host: I'm from the group.........
KAT-TUN: Oooh!!!!! (LOL. I wonder if they really know CNBLUE.... Well..Kame seems to know them. He was doing the guitar gesture)
Host: Please introduce your concert in Aug.
Kame: We will be having concert in Aug. This is our first concert in Korea with new album, "No MORE PAIN" on sales here. It is also our World Big Tour. I'm looking forward to interact with the audience during the concert.
Performance: D-MOTION
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Sunglasses Koki!!!!!!!!!!!
I love him with any sort of glasses!
Actually it's interesting that they chose this song to perform. I thought they would perform Going or songs from the new album. But they actually chose a song from precious single.
Well...I like both versions anyway! I love Jin's version but I also like this ver., too!
Great performance!
Congrats on their debut in Korea!!!!!!!!!
Gosh I'm praying that I could go to the concert!!!><
I found an interview clip with the Japanese sub (
click here)
So everyone introduced themselves in Korean and then when asked what can you speak in Korean, here are their answers.
Koki: What's ur telephone number? (I wonder what he is going to do tonight! haha. j/k)
Taguchi: Please support us (but apparently he pronounced it wrong. haha)
Tachan: Beautiful! (Moe~~~~)
Nakamaru: I've been trying hard to study Korean recently.....like...what else...what else...I'm hungry........... I'm a little tired (LOL. Are you alrite?? He looked tired indeed. I wonder if it's cuz the Japan game. Please don't be sad, Yuichi!)
Kame: Oppa~~ (too cute!)