это фото сделано ДО действа, но фотограф действительно уже успел всем насолить: являясь по-совместительству еще и тренером, объясняющим правила игры, он так сильно заикался во время этих важных объяснений, что понять его практически не представлялось возможным :-)) Положение было действительно затруднительное, т.к. почти все бойцы играли первый раз в жизни... та еще была перестрелка, скажу я Вам...
hey, I got your comment but when I tried to acees the link I just got a virus instead. I also must admit that I am wondering how you came accross my journal. I must admit that my half simester of Russian during the cold war has not really given me acess to your journal. I can recognise about three words, and can guess "foto". So I cant make any guesses as to what we may have had in common. How is Moscow anyway. I have wanted to visit for about half my life but never made it.
I tried to acess the link twice and each time my norton said that A trojan was destroyed. That is all I know. How an lj link could get a trojan attached to it I don't know. Lets see what our host says.
Comments 15
I also must admit that I am wondering how you came accross my journal.
I must admit that my half simester of Russian during the cold war has not really given me acess to your journal. I can recognise about three words, and can guess "foto". So I cant make any guesses as to what we may have had in common.
How is Moscow anyway. I have wanted to visit for about half my life but never made it.
is it a virus?
Dyran Hunter
i'm going to virus scan now ....
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