You’ve only been called to jury duty twice, and each time when offered the opportunity to donate your compensation, you’ve always chosen this place as the recipient. The Friends of The Family Thrift Store proudly proclaims that all of its proceeds are geared toward helping the victims of domestic violence. It feels nice to shop here, and besides, they nearly always have the best stuff in town. You’ve found tie clips and cufflinks, typewriters and records, books that never were read and tuxedo pants you never wore. They’ve moved things around a bit, and after a cursory glance at an organ taking up serious space in the center of the store (and unhappily beaming it’s badge: a bright orange PAID sticker) you begin to comb the crannies and scour suitcases for the possibility of a portable typewriter or two.
To keep searching for Typewriters, knowing full and well that you’re out of horizontal space:
Turn to Page 32.
To move on to better things,
Turn to Page 27.