(no subject)

Sep 25, 2005 22:44

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1) Would you make out with uncle_zack? oh zacky poo
2) What would uncle_zack think of blondeelk824? stickers
3) Which president would uncle_zack be likely to idolize? well, not an american one..he's canadian!
4) If melliesweets were hanging off a cliff, what would gebby897 do? save her!
5) Has gebby897 dyed their hair? no!
6) What video game does gebby897 remind you of? none
7) Is roodledee228 related to gebby897? no, they jsut share the same birthday
8) What is pretee_kaur allergic to? probably my animals
9) Would you set up wolfpacknl and roodledee228? god no
10) Is julzie_babie friends with tropicalshine? yupp
11) What mental disorder does roodledee228 remind you of? well, a black albino isn't a mental disorder
12) How long have you known uncle_zack? a year and some
13) julzie_babie's eye color? ...green
14) Does melliesweets have a big secret? nope
15) If julzie_babie took over the world, who would suffer? probably not
16) Are pretee_kaur and julzie_babie going steady? helll yaaaa!
17) Are tropicalshine and melliesweets going out? hell yeaaaa
18) What is pretee_kaur's favorite movie? a david kaye movie perhaps?
19) Is pretee_kaur in a relationship? with meee
20) What color should cbret22 dye their hair? shouldn't
21) Have you ever dated pretee_kaur? all the time
22) Is melliesweets an emo? god no
23) What animal does julzie_babie remind you of? a cuddly kitten
24) Does cbret22 smoke? yup
25) What is uncle_zack's favorite game? baseball
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