613 Commandments from Andrea's Parents (borrowed w/permission)

Sep 16, 2005 19:42



these rules are FOR you,

not AGAINST you

No fussing

No whining

Be seen and not heard

Don't tap on the fish tank

Brush your teeth

Don't jump on the bed

No begging

No candy

No toys in the living room

Don�t talk to strangers

Don�t play with your food

Don�t stick forks in electrical outlets

Don�t run with scissors

Don�t do crayon drawings on the wall

No toys on the stairs

Be home when the streetlights come on

Say your prayers

Be in bed by 8

No sulking

Don�t pee in the bathtub

Ask permission

Do unto others as you would have done to you

Say excuse me

Don�t give wedgies, noogies or wet willies

No candles

Listen when I�m talking to you

No more grape juice in the house

Don�t bite your nails

Clean your room

Clean your plate

No running

Don�t take the Lord�s name in vain

Don�t steal

Don�t cheat

Dishes do NOT leave this house

Say please

Be in bed by 9

Comb your hair

No horseplay

Don�t pee in the pool

Don�t wear your brother�s clothes

Say you�re sorry

Pay attention

Don�t play with matches

Don�t torture the cat

Don�t write in books

Stop, drop, and roll

Don�t stick your tongue out at me

Don�t wear shoes in the house

Do what I say

No lying

No cartwheels in the house

Don�t touch the stationary

Don�t cut your own hair

No downloading

No swearing

Just say NO

Don�t wear your sister�s clothes

Chew each bite ten times

Don�t go out barefoot

Don�t give me that look

Don�t beat up your brother

Don�t use shampoo as bubble bath

No water-guns in the house

Don�t beat up your sister

Don�t disrespect your elders

Be home before dark

Don�t share your toothbrush

Make your bed first thing in the morning

Wash your hands before eating

No gum

No kicking

Say thank you

No sleepovers

No television

Don�t eat yellow snow

Don�t leave your bike in the driveway

Keep your hands in your pockets

No videogames

Eat your vegetables

Don�t shave your legs

Apologize, damnit!

Don�t say damnit

Be in bed by 10

Walk the dog

Don�t put liquid soap in the dishwasher

Don�t lay on the decorative pillows

Don�t put tennis shoes in the dryer

Wash bed sheets once a week

Don�t play with firecrackers

Knock first

No one has the right to touch you in your bathing suit area

Don�t keep the door open

Do your homework

Unplug the Christmas lights

Don�t put wooden rolling pins in the dishwasher

Wear a cup

No nail polish

No hitting

Don�t bleach the blue towels

Don�t eat the last bite of anything you didn�t pay for

Mind your own business

Return your library books

Bring the garbage cans in

Shovel the driveway

Write thank you notes

Don�t eat before going to bed

Don�t drink from the carton

Don�t procrastinate

Don�t use dye in the washing machine

Look, don�t touch

Don�t steal your dad�s socks

No long-distance phone calls

No blasphemy

No biting

No smoking

No kidding

Don�t stick anything in your ear that�s sharper than your elbow

Don�t cook anything after we�ve gone to bed

No phone calls after 11

Don�t give me that look

When you pay the bills you can make your own rules

No incense

No boys in your room

No parties

Don�t take walks after dark

Don�t sit on the arm of the couch

Don�t use baby oil in the shower

Hang your coat in the closet

Ask if you want to borrow something

Respect your local law enforcement

Wipe front to back

No loud music

No driving with teenagers

Underage sale prohibited

Don�t put bras in the dryer

No girls in your room

No biking, rollerblading, or skateboarding

Don�t do drugs

Stand up for yourself

Don�t talk back

You are who you hang out with

Don�t interrupt people

School comes first

Don�t stay in the shower longer than 15 minutes

No sex before marriage

No alcohol

Be home by midnight

Lock the door when you come in

Wash, dry, and put away

Don�t covet thy neighbor�s ANYTHING

Gambling prohibited

Red light STOP

Green light GO

Yellow light GO FASTER

Yield to oncoming traffic

Change oil every 3000 miles

Don�t argue with police officers

Don�t use the f-word

Don�t leave the toilet paper roll empty

Don�t drive angry

Save your receipts

Please rewind

Don�t skip class

No cockblocking

Keep out of the liquor cabinet

Don�t gossip

Don�t drink the last of the iced tea

Wash, rinse, repeat


Say what you mean

Mean what you say

Clean as you go

Check for lumps

Mop with hot water

No plagiarism

Don�t pick up hitchhikers

Take responsibility for your actions

No cell phones

Obey the speed limit

Take antibiotics until they�re gone

Friends don�t let friends drive drunk

Read the directions

Don�t date co-workers

No obscene gestures

Separate whites from colors

Don�t use the n-word

No pets

Always include a list of works cited

No hats

Call if you�re going to be late

Puff puff pass

Wear a condom

Employees must wash hands

Be on time for work

Don�t argue with armed robbers

Don�t sign it unless you�ve read it

Don�t mix bleach with ammonia

Take your vitamins

Balance your checkbook

Keep your private life private

No weapons

No loitering

No littering

No excuses

Don�t date anyone with kids

Always wear a bra

Don�t make mountains out of molehills

Don�t mix stimulants with depressants

Don�t ever tell her how much money you make

Don�t commit adultery

Don�t ask don�t tell

Don�t operate heavy machinery while taking this medication

Thou shalt not kill

No freebasing

Don�t discuss politics or religion at parties

Be honest

Wear sunscreen

Do unto others as they have done to you

Don�t smoke in bed

Proper identification required

Not for oral use

Don�t lust

No shirt, no shoes, no service

Eat fruit or get scurvy

Drink milk or get rickets

You are what you eat

No fried food

No junk food

No fast food

Don�t feed the animals

Be politically correct

Don�t message your calves

Observe the Sabbath

Flex your legs on long car rides

Don�t make fun of another�s misfortune

What goes around comes around

Exercise regularly

No caffeine

Listen to your doctor

No more cigarettes

Check your blood sugar

Get enough fiber

You are what you believe in

Don�t forget your family

Don�t be unfaithful

Don�t die alone


these rules are FOR you,

not AGAINST you

lj-cut for the friend's page nazis

*calling wah-mbulance and offers some cheese to go with your WHINE*

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