You effect the world. Never forget it. Make somebody happy and they feel better and pass the happiness along. Piss somebody off and they are grumpy again taking it out on the next person. Think about it. It's really not that hard to be happy.
Your Deadly SinsLust: 60%Gluttony: 20%Wrath: 20%Envy: 0%Greed: 0%Pride: 0%Sloth: 0%Chance You'll Go to Hell: 14%You'll die of a yet to be discovered STD. How Sinful Are You?
It never pays to get focused on one running set of humour. Somebody always gets annoyed. It's tough to remember that 'cause I enjoy the simple things. Now to work
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Party was a success. I don't think anybody got laid though. It ended somewhere around 4 am ish. House is cleanish again. Twas fun. Need more women there though. And early comment was that it was a sausage fest. I had to think that one through for a bit. But it was from a guy who probably wouldn't get any for a while. Him being somewhat
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Having a fun day. Prepping. Took computers apart. Didn't succeed at any of them. They all seem to be pretty dead. No bios screens. But the video cards I am working might be a little flaky from SO's comp.
And now I get to distract her before people get here.