Just like any regular university, most of the students at Karakura U live on campus. This post will show the arrangements of all of the dorms, any openings, off-campus apartments, or any other living conditions.
In some rare cases, it may be possible to arrange for close friends to room together if the players happen to apply at the same time; however, for the most part, dorms are assigned, and you will have to deal with your roommates whether you like them or not. Dorm rooms are NOT co-ed, but the floors and buildings are.
Some students with more resources choose to live off-campus in apartments. While we encourage players to have their characters live on campus, as it promotes more interaction, if you insist upon living somewhere else, that’s permissible as well. Apartments are obviously not regulated by the school, so it’s possible for members of the opposite sex to be living together.
As for teachers and faculty, there are living quarters for them as well, so some of you might end up rooming together as well. Similarly to the students, rooms on campus are not co-ed, while any apartments you may choose to rent off-campus can be.
1. Tell us if you wish to live on or off-campus (if you choose off-campus, state your reasons why).
2. If you have some rooms you’d prefer, let us know.
For the sake of uniformity (no, we're not just being lazy here), both the student and faculty dorm buildings are identical in layout. Click on the following links to get a idea of the arrangement:
First Floor ||
Second Floor ||
Third Floor ||
Individual Room Layout || ON-CAMPUS ||
|| student dorms ||
First floor:
Room 100: Abarai Renji (
rednorainu), Hitsugaya Toushirou (
arcticintellect), Kira Izuru (
Room 103: Hinamori Momo (
plumchild), Inoue Orihime (
strbrst_prncss), one open spot
Room 105: Asano Keigo (
asanoxrules), Ishida Uryuu (
cross_archer), Kojima Mizuiro (
Room 113: Kotetsu Isane (
gentle_hands), Kusajishi Yachiru (
sugar_pink), one open spot
Second floor:
Room 200: Honshou Chizuru (
imno_heroine), Soi Fong (
collegiatedrone), Tsumugiya Ururu (
Room 202: Mashiro (
googlygoggles), two open spots
Third floor:
Room 302: Hisagi Shuuhei (
orderedlaw), Sado Yasutora (
chasingchad), Yamada Hanatarou (
Room 315: Kurosaki Karin (
modern_nephthys), Kurosaki Yuzu (
yummycitrus), one open spot
|| faculty quarters ||
First floor:
Room 104: Shihouin Yoruichi (
shunko), two open spots
Second floor:
Room 200: Ichimaru Gin (
albino_fox), Kyouraku Shunsui (
servant_of_7), Zaraki Kenpachi (
Room 203: Ayasegawa Yumichika (
peacocks_envy), Grimmjow Jaggerjack (
grimm_shadow), one open spot
Third floor:
Room 310: Matsumoto Rangiku (
boobs_or_bust), two open spots
Karakura Apartments:
Apartment 109: Ise Nanao (
novel_nanao) and Asano Mizuho (
Apartment 216: Kurosaki Ichigo (
kissmyberryass) and Arisawa Tatsuki (
Apartment 306: Kuchiki Byakuya (
Apartment 307: Urahara Kisuke (