1) First grade teacher's name: Mrs. Francouer and Mrs. Morrison
2) Last words you said: Bye
3) Last song you sang: ummmm i dont kno that name of it but it goes pull over that ass to fat
4) Last person you hugged: Justin
5) Last thing you laughed at: ummm the song i was singing when i called kisha
6) Last time you said 'I love you': like a sec ago when i said it to Brandon
7) Last time you cried: ummm its been a few days
8) What's in your CD player: Justins mix cd
9) What color socks are you wearing: none at the moment
10) What's under your bed: nuthin
11) What time did you wake up today: 7
12) Current taste: tooth paste
13) Current hair: the shower look
14) Current clothes: still in the ol' pj's
15) Current annoyance: the fone and the cat
16) Current longing: to go see the new exorcist movie
17) Current desktop picture: none
18) Current worry: being scared of the exorcist movie
19) Current hate: right now, the cat always wanting sumthing
20) Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: eyes and smile and personality
21) Last CD that you bought: god only knows cause i dont
22) Favorite place to be: anywhere but here
23) Least favorite place: school
24) Time you wake up in the morning: it changes
25) If you could play an instrument: those jamican drums from little mermaid
26) Favorite color(s): pink
27) Do you believe in an afterlife: yeah
28) How tall are you? i think 5'2" or 5'3"
29) Current favorite word/saying: bum
30) Favorite book: i dont like books
31) Favorite season: summer
32) One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: my mom
33) Favorite day: saturday
34) Where would you like to go: carribean
35) What is your career going to be like: no clue
36) How many kids do you want: 2
37) What kind of car will you have: eclipse
38) Random line you remember from any book: i do not like them sam i am
39) A random lyric: " you weather beaten hootchie bitch"
40) Identify some things surrounding your computer: umm cell fone, remote
1) Do you have a boyfriend?: yup
2) Did you send this to your crush? ummmm no
3) Do you prefer friends of the same or opposite sex?: i have both.
1) Do you do drugs?: nope
2) What kind of shampoo do you use?: dove
3) What are you most scared of?: closets and bugs
4) What are you listening to right now?: justins mix cd and the sound of the tv
5) Who was the last person that called you?: my dad
6) Where do you want to get married? the drive in one in las vegas lol J/K
7)How Many Messenger buddies do u have? 186
8) If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?: the way i look
9) Any tattoos or piercing? piercings in the ears thats it
1) Color: Pink
2) Favorite number: 8 and 9
3) Food: i dont kno
4) Boy's name: ??
5) Girls Name: Veronica
6) Subject in school: dont have one
7) Animals: DUCKS
8) Sports: gymnastics
9) Place to shop: theres a few
10) Movie: Grease and Cry Baby
11) Genre of music: theres a lot
*Have you ever?*
1) Given anyone a bath? my cats
2) Smoked?: tried
3) Bungee jumped?: yup
4) broken the law?: who hasnt
5) Made yourself throw-up?: used to
6) Gone skinny dipping?: i think once a whhile ago
7) Been in love?: yup, still am
8) Has it lasted?: umm yeah
9) Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: many times
1) Red: balloons
2) Cow: Jayde
3) Socks: my duckie socks
4) Greenland: isnt that a country??
5) Beer: not that tastey