OOC - Character profile

Dec 06, 2007 02:48

Or in other words... God, so bored.

b a s i c   s t a t i s t i c s

Name: Aya Fujimiya
Age: 22-23
Nationality: Japanese
Socioeconomic Level as a child: Middle class
Socioeconomic Level as an adult: Hard to say, above it all? Haha.
Hometown: Chiba
Current Residence: USA, New York
Occupation: Assassin
Income: Varies
Talents/Skills: Killing, bookwise, Kendo, Ikebana, gardening...
Salary: Varies
Birth order: First
Siblings (describe relationship): Younger sister
Spouse (describe relationship): Nope.
Children (describe relationship): Nope.
Grandparents (describe relationship): Not alive.
Grandchildren (describe relationship): None
Significant Others (describe relationship): None
Relationship skills: Not so good.

p h y s i c a l   c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s

Height: 178 cm
Weight: 68 kg
Race: Japanese
Eye Color: Violet
Hair Color: Crimson
Glasses or contact lenses? Reading glasses?
Skin color: Pale
Shape of Face: Heart
Distinguishing features: Eartails?
How does he/she dress? Simply, practically.
Mannerisms: Frowning, tugging his eartails, glaring. Generally artless.
Habits: Smoking, tea, cleaning and sharpening his weapons meticulously.
Health: Depends
Hobbies: Gardening, reading.
Favorite Sayings: Hn. Kudaran (rubbish!).
Speech patterns: Simple. The less there is words, the better.
Style (Elegant, shabby etc.): Artless
Greatest flaw: Temperamental
Best quality: Persistence

i n t e l l e c t u a l / m e n t a l / p e r s o n a l i t y

Educational Background: Highshool
Intelligence Level: High
Any Mental Illnesses? Yes. But I'll have to find out their names. lol.
Learning Experiences: I'm not sure what this is supposed to mean. Every day of his miserable life?
Character's short-term goals in life: To find out what the hell is going on. Keep himself alive?
Character's long-term goals in life: To keep safe the people he loves.
How does Character see himself/herself? Worthless. Let the angst begin..
How does Character believe he/she is perceived by others? He avoids thinking about it.
How self-confident is the character? Deep down, not so much, but he'll make a very convincing case about being certain about practically anything.
Does the character seem ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof? He would like it to be the later but quite often he ends up being dictated by his emotions.
What would most embarass this character? Oh, the variety. Showing unnecessary emotions, being proved wrong.

e m o t i o n a l   c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s

Strengths: Loyalty,
Weaknesses: Inability to trust others,
Introvert or Extrovert? Introvert
How does the character deal with anger? Temperamental, stubborn vengeance, fireworks people.
With sadness? Bottles it up.
With conflict? Right on.
With change? Hates it.
With loss? Doesn't deal well.
What does the character want out of life? Nothing really, to make sure his sister is safe?
What would the character like to change in his/her life? He doesn't think about stuff like that.
What motivates this character? Safety of his loved ones, necessity.
What frightens this character? Very little, telepaths, he likes to keep his thoughts to himself, thank you.
What makes this character happy? Routine, accomplishment, little things: beautiful ikebana, fascinating book, conversation that actually manages to interest him (that isn't about work or topics alike).
Is the character judgmental of others? Yeah... Well, not before given very good reasons to be.
Is the character generous or stingy? Stingy.
Is the character generally polite or rude? Neither, he's silent. But when forced to speak, it depends on the approach of the person talking to him.

s p i r i t u a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s

Does the character believe in God? No.
What are the character's spiritual beliefs? He believes very loosely to karma. He knows that there's magic in the world but refuses to actually acknowledge it any further.
Is religion or spirituality a part of this character's life? Nope.
If so, what role does it play?

h i s t o r y

Home & Family
Ran was born as a first child, two years his sisters senior. His father was an accountant, mother stayed at home to take care of the family. His childhood was happy, more lined with books and studies than with sports and playing. He was raised to be a loyal son, reserved husband-to-be and a successor to his father's business.

His parents were murdered by the most powerful politician in Japan, his sister fell into coma and Ran swore to revenge.

Sendai & Crashers
He first stumbled on Kritiker in an ikebana center. Shion became his teacher and perhaps even a bit of father figure in his willingness to step in as a mentor for the young revenge driven boy. Ran got his sword from Shion, and his first lesson in betrayal from Kikyo, a teammate who murdered the whole Sendai team in his bloodlust. (Except for himself and Shion, who were capable of staging their own deaths.)

After his failure (as they let him believe) in Sendai, Ran was sent to Crashers. The non-lethal team of Kritiker. But being driven by his own lust for revenge, he didn't stay for long even if it's quite obvious he eventually did fit in.

Weiss - Kapitel
He was recruited to Weiss after leaving Crashers by himself. On a windy rooftop he was cornered by Weiss and Birman and enlisted back to Kritiker, this time to a assassin team. Persia, the man who leads Weiss, promised him that he could seek for revenge for his parents and sister through Weiss, hunting the other dark beasts along the way.

Aya, as he's called after leaving Crashers, encounters many obstacles on his way to killing Takatori Reiji. From psi-talented assassins to monsters and back to evil lawyers, a whole army of police forces and of course personal tragedy served as plentiful. But eventually, he gets to run his sword through Takatori and set aside his vengeance.

After satisfying his bloodlust he tries to pull away from Kritiker (again). Unfortunately his sister is kidnapped and he's half forced to go back to Weiss. They fight again against the forced of evil, mainly the organization called Esset. The pinnacle of the battle sets them against Schwarz, the PSI-talented assassins, trying to stop a ritual, which would awaken a demon and toss the world into chaos, and of course to save Aya's sister who is a component of this ritual. The epic battle is left unsettled as the ritual is not completed and the building crushes down to the ocean with both Weiss and Schwarz tagging along.

Aya's sister wakes up from coma and he ends up continuing with Weiss, allowing her to believe him dead. To protect her, naturally.

Weiss RV - OVA & Dramatic precious
Weiss continues on their private war against all evil from an RV, equipped with a miniature flower shop. Because what would Weiss be without some flowers? They still keep taking missions and killing the bad guys. Eventually that leads them to Shion and his brand of Weiss.

Shion survived Kikyo's betrayal and was shipped away to form a group called Weiss. Unfortunately for the leaders of Kritiker he was both too old and clever to be manipulated as the younger men later on. He pulled his team away from Kritiker and they continued on their way of assassinations on their own judgment, eventually coming after Kritiker as well.

A lot of Kritiker's agents are killed before Weiss is sent against Weiss and the battle turns out epic and injuries are dealt and drama again ensues. As a result, Aya is forced to kill his mentor with dirty (very un-samurai like) tactics. And he gets to claim "I'm Weiss" several times, which should make clear where his loyalties lie.

Omi takes up on his heritage as the Takatori heir and Weiss is thus disbanded. Yohji and Ken go on their ways and Aya heads to USA to join an organization much like Kritiker to continue on his murderous ways.

p e r s o n a l i t y

First thing to consider with Aya's personality is his way of regarding himself. He tends to think he no longer deserves a life. "Virtue is not knowing, but doing." To him, it was a conscious decision, which I'm sure he has regretted several times, to trade his life for revenge. He has but one value, which is a weapon in the hands of men better than himself.

Now that it's established what a depressing sob he is, there's also the reason why he drove himself into this proverbial black corner of his: his personality.

Ran is passionate, shy, even a hint naïve. He's stubborn to a fault, practical but a bit unreasonable. Aya, however, is cold, practical to a fault and no longer naïve or cannot afford shyness. His transformation from a temperamental, sympathetic youth to a heartbroken murderer is clearly written on the story. He doesn't believe to the morality of Kritiker, but seems to think it's better than nothing. His pragmatic nature doesn't allow the absolution of idealism.

At his best he's loyal and trustworthy, honest and selfless. At his worst he's demanding, cruel if needed and possessive.

n a r r a t o r

Aya's last memory had been a gray sky, stench of alcohol bitter urine on the cold asphalt where he had been laying, waiting for the silence. His fingers cold and slippery with sweat, and hot blood streaming down his arm.

He had been ready to go. He already was gone.

The hospital room was too white. It hurt his eyes when he opened them slowly. His throat was dry and sterilized smell of antiseptic that clung to the air, tasting on his tongue.

His hazy consciousness clung to the little details around. Almost nonexistent tightening of the tape that kept the IV attached to his wrist. Weight of bandage around his ribs. Cold touch of metal from the side of the bed when he moved his arm. Crimson mess of his hair, sweaty and dirty, clinging over his eyes.

A scream was building within him; he could feel it rising. He needed to get away.

The bed rattled when he tried to move his arms that were tied on the sides. His body trashing violently from side to another as the heat of pain struck through him, falling into the pulsing haze of anxious panic.

Breathless, erratic pants falling from his cold lips, he stared at the nurse that came in running. She didn’t bother trying to hit his vein with her needle but quickly changed the tube of his IV to the other bag of liquid that was hanging on the stand. Ripples of blood spraying over her white shirt - he could have had his name written on there.

If only he had a name.

She stood there to wait, ignoring his heated snarls. She didn’t understand him. They were both glad for that.

The world slowly slipped into white noise of nothingness and her face was soon just one of the meaningless people gathered around his listless body lying on the hospital bed. White, so damn white.


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