so Mr. L.C. said... "don't take this the wrong way, but I'm glad things between us didn't work out because that's creepy" in reference to my dad watching silence of the lambs at all hours of the night... forsure blaring "it rubs the lotion on it's skin!" but w.e. so then Iaugh, fine, ti was funny... and then I realize I must be cerfitiably insane
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Comments 5
My love life is pretty non existant. I havent even remotely crushed on anyone since my little random thing with this friend of mine (LEO, stupid leo) things didnt work out and Ie been so turned off by boys. There is this other boy that I think I have a crush on...I dont want to admit it but yeah...he stutters! God Ting, you sure know how to pick em.
I didn't understand most of that.... I have no clue who is actually who with all your name jumbling... but i probably don't know them in real life anyways. Any who... be gald you have had relationships, even as awkward as they my have been, b/c you friend here hasn't. :(
yup. i love you. loving always makes things better, lol. i hope anyways...
did you end up going shopping?!?!?!
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