Tony came up with this idea, so all the World of Warcrackft references are purely him and not me. I've abstained from that kind of addiction, kthx. ^^;;
Taow: Alright. I have summoned you here for our final battle.
Mags: Do we gets to blow people up? :3
Taow: In due time, Magnolia.
Taow: Now I will assign each of you positions and weapons. Calypso, you are front charging diversion and will most likely die--er, I mean, I have a slight headache afterwards.
Caly: Uh... Wha--? Is this still about that feather thing? o___o;;
Taow: Magnolia, you are the explosives expert. Make them go BOOM.
Mags: Cannot let you down, noooo ma'aaaam. X3
Taow: Delphinium, you will take the sniper position.
Delph: Oooh. With. *snicker* A GUN. (BAAAAD PUN! *bricked*)
Taow: Daisy, you will flank from the right with the flamethrower.
Daisy: Can I use my magical girl powers to do it? :3
Taow: Yes.
Taow: And Dahlia, you cover our rear.
Delph: *snicker* She said 'rear'...
Dahl: Singe my lace, I dare you. >__>
Taow: Now, the battle will be long, so make sure you all have your special abilities macroed to your keyboards.
Taow: Let us bravely charge the fields of Azeroth!
Caly: ...What the hell? A Pikachu?