WSED - Original fiction - Negotiating with Unan (yesterday's)

Aug 24, 2010 13:01

Title: Negotiating with Unan (unimaginative title is unimaginative)
Fandom: Original fiction (set in the fantasy world I'm developing, called Vivern)
Character(s): All original characters - Thask, Nolidae and Ruba
Rating/Warnings: Snark and some blood
Disclaimer: These characters and their world are my intellectual property. Please don't steal them or otherwise abuse anything here for personal gain.
(Wow, that's the first time I've ever put up a disclaimer about my own stuff. Mm, felt good, as paranoid as I am.)

Summary: So, this is the Interweb's introduction to Vivern I guess. This isn't anything too complicated. Regular old Elves are like the Tolkien Elves, and the Unan are one of my original races. They're humanoids (evolutionary cousins to humans, in fact). Essentially they are humans, but the main difference is that they still have hand-like feet found with other species of apes. Otherwise, they have thick fur around their shins/ankles and forearms, their noses are a bit more...pronounced, and they're taller than humans. So basically they're humans that retained a few ape-traits. *shrugs* I'm not sure how I came up with them, but I like them anyway.

Thask snorted and threw the bone he chewed on to the ground. “And why do you want our help, hm? I thought we’re just barbarians to you Elves.”

“Don’t get me wrong. It’s not so much that we want your help, but we need it.”

“So we’re only tolerable when we’re useful, is that it?” Thask shook his head. “We’re done here. Go back to your village, Nolidae.”

Just as the Unan chief got up to leave, he heard the visiting Elf notch an arrow in his bow. “We are done: you’re going to help us, end of discussion. Now give us a guide and supplies so we can be on our way through your forest.”

“Really? Are you actually going to pull a stunt like this in my territory? And you came with a weapon too - that’s not what we agreed. What kind of dishonour have you brought to your noble house?” Thask sneered.

“Did you truly believe I’d come to face you unarmed?”

“I don’t know - did you truly believe I’d come to face you alone?”

Before Nolidae could consider those words, a rock thumped against the back of his head. His keen vision flooded with black as he fell, becoming unconscious before he hit the ground. Ruba jumped out of the trees with her sling still in hand. Both Unan stared at the Elf.

“Well,” Ruba began. “Someone’s going to have to take this pointy-ear back to his village, and it won’t be me.”

“Don’t be insolent, Ruba. You can put that wicked tongue of yours to use against anyone but me.”

“...I’m sorry, chief.”

Thask snorted again, dismissively this time, before turning his attention back to Nolidae. “We don’t have to take him anywhere. We’ll tie him up and leave him with a warning.”

Ruba nodded, and the two of them went to work restraining their visitor. Once he was tied up, Thask drew his knife and cut a straight line into the back of the Nolidae’s hand. As he watched the blood begin to well up from the wound, he heard a groan from his victim.

“When you’re untied, you will see this gash on your hand. The scar this cut will leave is your first warning. When you visit our tribe again, we’ll know you’ve come to us once before and treated us with disrespect. Consider yourself lucky. We ought to give you two warnings for threatening a chief, but I’m in a good mood today.”


Thask didn’t leave the Elf behind with a final word, but a final kick to the gut.

write something everyday, original fiction, vivern

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