01) Go through the first 25 songs on your playlist on shuffle.
02) Pick your favourite line from each song (try not to make it one with the title in it).
03) Post and let people guess what song the lines come from.
04) Cross out the numbers of the songs when someone guesses correctly.
I'll sing it one last time for you
Then we really have to go
You've been the only thing that's right
In all I've done
Minä seison vierelläsi
Ja maailma jos loppuu
Se alkaa uudestaan
Now I can understand how
After all that you've been through
You'd lock yourself inside
Waiting for us to come and rescue you
Let me hold you up
Like you held me up
You talk about life, you talk about death,
And everything in between,
Like it's nothing, and the words are easy.
I don't have a job
But it's not my fault it's just that
Jobs don't like me
Some people find it hard to see
Joku liikkui lähelläni
koski poskeain
Tutun käden tunsin ihollain
Kun saavun eteiseen mä nään sun itkeneen
sä painat pääs mun takin kaulukseen
Tuoksu auringon sun hiuksillasi on
kuulen lapset alta parvekkeen
Aarretta jää etsimään
Keinuu kesäyössä , ystävyyttä rakastaa
sormet kohmeessa, juoda aamuun shampanjaa
Toisinaan kaipaan aikaa
Jolloin auringonnousu sattui
Ja sydämeni oli missä lie
Sillä silmäkulmissani on jäljet
Joista näkee että silmillänikin joskus hymyilin
Some guys act a bit too sure
And maybe you're thinkin' that less is more
But Honey you still gotta knock on my door
Hey, just try boy,
And you could be my boy
And it's cold outside
And I'm on the streets tonight
If this pain is just an illusion
Will you show me what's real tonight?
Nuku siinä vaan rauhassa
Hei ei enää haaveilla
Keitä muita on tarjolla
Pennies in a well, a million dollars in the fountain of a hotel
Fortune teller that says maybe you will go to hell
But I'm not scared at all
Tunne sua en, tahdon sua sen tähden enemmän
Tyhjät lauseet, harhat, houreet, jättää yritän
Leikit rakkauden nää, vain leikeiksi jää, pian pois häviää
Let's spend the night in Jimmy Choo's,
I'll give you coats and cheap shampoo,
I'll give you nothing else to do,
Now we're stuck on rewind
But there's something in the air
They share a look in silence
And everything is understood
Susie grabs her man and puts a grip on his hand
As the rain puts a tear in his eye
When you marry
And you look around
I'll be somewhere in that crowd
Torn up that it isn't me
You still have
My name on your door
Darling I have moved on
But we're gonna start by
Drinking old cheap bottles of wine
Sit talking up all night
Saying things we haven't for a while
A hand upon my forehead, the joking and the laugh
Waking up in your arms, a place to call my own
This is all I ever wanted from life
I will never be anything again
(I will never be anything again)
I'm tired to give, I don't want to try
I'm afraid to live, I'm afraid to die
And people say:
I want you, I want you, I want you!
Yeah, they want you all right
But just for a while
But hang on in there
And you’ll pull it through
Cause I believe in you, I do
And there’s a reason why I do
But every wrong turn that you make will also be my mistake
Cause we’re connected through our hearts
And the devastating part is that I foolishly defended you to myself
Didn't I give it all
Tried my best
Gave you everything I had
Everything and no less?
Didn't I do it right?
Did I let you down?