We sent the paper to the printer today and now I can breathe a little easier. I won't have to worry about the next deadline until after Christmas break. This frees me up to concentrate more on other school work, as journalism takes up most of my life otherwise. Well, considering I really only have three real classes: Lit, Econ, and Spanish, I shouldn't have such a hard time (no pun intended) with my schedule, but along with the privilege of easy(er) classes comes college apps.
All of the California apps are due by the end of the month. Since I'm not applying to any private colleges out here, it's pretty much just plugging in numbers but still takes a good thirty minutes (if you have all the required information handy). I also have to worry about scholarships, especially since I want to go to schools on the East Coast and the economy's going down the drain. Ugh. I don't really see the point in applying to Cali schools, if I really, really, really, definitely want to go away - far away - for school. Whatever.
I may be slow, but thinking about all this revealed to me that life revolves around a bunch of deadlines. Get those papers in by this date. Make sure to sign-up before that date. Buy a present for the next birthday. Be there at this time. Finish shopping before Christmas. Get to school by this time. Go to the next class before the bell. Eat by such and such hour.
I'm well acquainted with the go-go-go, fill-your schedule-up-to-the-max lifestyle and at times I love it. Being active and always having something to do makes me feel very productive. Though, it is very tiring. I enjoy me-time very much. It one thing to be my room with a house full of people and quite another to have the whole house to myself.
I'm not against planning. In fact, I think it's rather helpful and wise, but I'm a very compulsive person. I have whims and absolutely have to indulge them. This journal is a prime example. I could have just kept my old journal, but it didn't fit me anymore. Not only did i research a new name, I took the time to upload/find new icons and got codes for a completely new profile layout. I made sure the journal was exactly as I wanted it to be until I even considered posting. Yeah, yeah. I'm a bit of a perfectionist. But I can't help it. I get an idea and I gotta follow it through.
Anyway, I totally branched off from the reason I wanted to post in the first place. I've been (hesitantly) reconnecting with my biological father. I part of my just wants to cut him out of my life and pretend that he never existed, but the better part of me is telling me to give him another chance. I can only give him so many chances, ya know? That's besides the fact, though. The fact is I just can't stand the guy very much. So whenever he tries to get involved in my life, it likes like an intrusion. For example, he sent an email to my family in the Philippines (more than half of which I've never met) about how proud he was of me for applying to such great colleges yadda yadda and I felt like puking. It's the feeling you get when someone's bragging about some stupid prize they're won and you know they're just full of it. I was like "What the hell? He can't just gloat abou tme like he owns me to people I've never even met!" Most times, i feel like the whole situation is hopeless. There's too much bad blood. I don't really like being around him. He knows it. My step-mom knows it. My mom and step-dad knows it. My friends know it. Everyone freaking knows it. Maybe I just like punishing myself. That's probably it. That is it.