So, a friend inspired me to go on a sugar detox. I'm following the detox plan @ , except I'm cutting high fructose cron syrup from the get-go. And no, I'm not trying to get preggers. I know that a lot of the food out there has a bunch of crap in it and it's past due that I start eating healthier.
I'm doing the detox with an another friends and, hopefully, a couple of family members. Today is my official "day one". Breakfast was easy, but lunch a bit harder since I wasn't really able to control what was in the food; it was catered. Dinner is waiting, but I think I can manage. Luckily, not too much in my house actually contains HFC, but we just bought a pack of 6 mini Sunny D's which happen to contain HFC. So, that was a waste.
On top of the detox, I'm working out for an hour minimum daily. I haven't really been doing any physical activity since I ran my half-marathon and I can tell when I get sore from hula practice that I'm way out of shape.
I'm hoping to see great results from this detox plan, so I can live a healthier life and it doesn't hurt that summer's here. :D