May 23, 2005 17:50

A memo was sent home with us today to our parents. I don't know if you read it or not, or if you even bothered actually taking it home. But if you haven't READ it, READ IT HERE.

Dear Parent:

In an effort to ensure the availability of quality instructional program options for the
students of the St. Louis Public Schools, the District is proposing to make changes to the
ways in which some schools are configured. The proposal, crafted in alignment with the
Board of Education’s vision, mission, and goals for the St. Louis Public Schools, calls for
the restructuring of several elementary schools to a Pre-K to 8th Grade model. In
addition, the proposal suggests the creation of neighborhood-based small high schools
with magnet programs. The District would like to make certain that all stakeholders are
informed of these proposals and that they have the opportunity to engage in a structured
dialogue to voice their input and concerns. To that end, you are invited to a series of
community meeting. The first meeting will take place on Wednesday, May 25, 2005 from
6:00 - 7:30 p.m. In the event that you are unable to attend that meeting, an identical
meeting will take place of Tuesday, May 31, 2005 from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.

It is the desire of the St. Louis Public Schools that any and all concerned community
members attend this meeting, the first in an ongoing series of discussions. We extend this
invitation to students, parents, educators, affiliates of area colleges and universities,
members of the business community, and other interested parties. There will be five
meeting locations throughout the city so that you may choose the one most convenient for

Beaumont High School Buder Elementary High School

3836 Natural Bridge Avenue 5319 Lansdowne Avenue

Carnahan Middle School Metro High School

4041 South Broadway 4015 McPherson Avenue

Nance Elementary School

8959 Riverview Boulevard

I hope that you are able to attend.


Creg E. Williams, Ed. D.

801 N. 11th Street St. Louis, Missouri 63102 Phone: 314-231-3720 Fax:

The implications of this? Basically they want to send us to local schools, and label them 'magnet' as a ruse to continue taxing us. If I WANTED to go to a local school instead of magnet, I DAMN WELL WOULD HAVE. If this new conspiracy of theirs buggs you as much as it bugs me, POST THIS IN YOUR JOURNAL.

If you can make it to either or both of the meetings, you should. I fully intend on writing some letters and starting a petition.

And I am NOT getting sent to stupid BAYLESS HIGH with a bunch of other people who think exactly like I do! Don't you think the District has screwed us over enough already??

And my ankle still hurts from Thursday :(

Edit: Thank you Neggie. If it weren't for your demeaning laughter I would not have spotted those typos :P
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