this to
Grab your base and resize/crop it down to a 100x100 icon.
Duplicate your base once and set it to screen.
The icon looks still to dark,
Create a new adjustment Brightness/Contrast layer. (Layer->New Adjustment layer->Brightness/Contrast)
With the folowing values:
Brightness: +32
Contrast: +27
Set this layer to screen.
Create a new adjustment Color Balance layer. (Layer->New Adjustment layer->Color Balance)
Use the following values:
Color Levels: -29/+10/+12 set to midtones.
Create a new adjustment Hue/Saturation layer. (Image->Adjustments->Hue/Saturation)
Hue: 0
Saturation: 32
Lightness: 0
The icon looks a bit washed out so create a new layer and fill it with #d7d6d5 and set it to Color Burn and set it to 100%.
So we're done with the colouring but for an extra effect I add 2 dusty textures made by
peoplemachines and set it to screen.
We are done with all the colouring but now we will be making this:
Go to Layer->Flatten Image.
Resize your image to 65x65 pixels.
Now add this texture made by me.
Now grab your Magic Wand Tool and click on the white circle and hit Delete.
And then grab your 65x65 icon and drag it under the blue texture. You should see it now! :)
You can add anything you want to it or just leave it that way.
Here's what i made:
Here are some textures i've made that you also could use for this tutorial. :)
I hope this will help someone, and I would really appreciate it when you leave me a comment.
Also if anything is unclear, just ask! :)