Okay there are just some people that need to keep their mouths shut because they never think before they speak. Unfortunately, it's some individuals that I'm close to or somehow am friends with. Really, there are a few people that I don't even know why we're friends.e
Story time:
I was invited to go to someone's 21st b-day party but I didn't want to go for lack of cash and the fact that I am always the DD and I don't like dealing with drunktards every fucking night. So, instead of just telling her "no" I decided to use my mother's disability as a way out (which isn't technically lying because kidney failure is highly unpredictable and one does not know when the need to go to the hospital will be in effect), because I know that this girl would not have let up. She accepted it and we all moved on.
Tonight at work, the subject of this was brought up again by another friend that was invited but didn't want to go either. I told the rest of the workers my excuse (and the whole "it's kinda the truth" thing) and no one really said anything until one of my 'friends' (more like person I hang out with in Waterville, but on good days, she is a good friend....it differs) opened her mouth. Now, she really isn't the best at thinking before speaking so in that manner she says, "well you mother is going to die anyway so..."
EXCUSE ME?!?!?!?!?
ok ok ok ok ok ok! I understand that she didn't mean it like that because she recovers with "well I meant like in a decade or so" but i highly doubt she realizes that a decade is ten fucking years.....REALLY!?!?!? Everyone else had that 'deer in the headlights' kind of look and, you guessed it, I was not a happy camper. I believe the appropriate words I gave were....."FUCK YOU!!" but I said it in a light-hearted manner so it didn't sound like I meant it.....which I kind of did. The thing is that, she knows how I am when it comes to my mother (no one tells me "your mom" or any "your mama jokes" b/c they know they'll be in a world of hurt) so I don't know what the fuck possessed her to say this.
I have friends that I love, friends that I adore, friends that I would never change for anything in this world.....it's just that a few of them need to learn to keep their mouths fucking shut before I sew it shut for them. I really don't understand how some people can be so brain dead at times. I mean, it's great that she didn't mock me whilst I had my first and only breakdown @ work (the day mom went to the emergency room doesn't count!), but sometimes, I really wonder. Isn't that just a human reaction after all? Well, also she has changed a bit, but that shouldn't matter.....
Alrighty, it's 4 in the morning and I need to work in 10 hours and all I'm doing is rambling. I let you kids sleep now :)
OH! and even though that was a shitty part of my day, this made me happy!
marybinatree at 2010-06-02
yay boy-kissing!