bliteotw So. Aside from the expected argument over weather or not Chip gets to kill Kendra (he STILL keeps eyeing her when he thinks Erin isn't looking). We're not keeping Erin tied up anymore, not with all the reports coming in of all the people who are semi-immune, and some people who are respoinding to treatment. If Kendra isn't too decomposed by the time the worst is over, we're hoping to get her into treatment.
We've gone to the old high school (and now I know the world is ending, because it would take a fucking apocolypse to make me go back to that damn building) because Chip thought there'd be a fallout shelter under there. Which there is. Full of lots of random shit that has been stored down there--nothing useful, offuckingcourse. Not like canned food or anything. We spent most of the day stocking up on supplies and food and weapons and stuff. Getting that shit in here (after we cleared out the old fucking desks and shit so we can use the damn place) we're all set. I think we'll be okay through the night. It's got to be getting dark out there now, and we can hear them thudding against the doors. Not likely they can get through, given all the reinforcing. ANd this thing goes pretty deep, actually. There's plenty of room for us, and we've got plenty and coffee and beer and stuff. We're figuring it won't take more than a few days before most of them die off (or rot away or whatever). Hopefully things will settle down--its obvious they're decomposing incredibly fast. Maybe they'll all be gone in a few days.
If anyone's out there, let us know you're okay.