The really hilarious thing about writing notes for a fic with Daves from both universes is that I'm using the B(number) to denote which Dave it is
so of course I'm getting flashbacks to my childhood (again) (the other time was for a clone thing) (I still need to get to that) (also why did that episode appear to not be uploaded it would have been nice since I think the book didn't come with us) (not that it would really be appropriate I guess since timing + wrong continent but I don't care that much)
and given that John and all the Daves are worrying me already at this point (and probably going to give Karkat a stroke or an aneurysm or something) I may just throw my hands in the air and write a short thing where one set of persons chases everyone else around to catch them and Karkat wins this game.
fics I should write/finish in rough order:
1. Boat party last-time snuggling/taking care of/sex
2. various 0TP things (go through and mark them self!)
3. this/intro to this?
4. solo to threesome
5. self/clone thing
6. discombobulating strider
(This is probably not the order in which the last four will happen, just a note that these are what I have in mind and probably I should edit links in so I know where they are but yeah.)
…and I guess gift exchange season will be coming up soon oh man… not sure if that'll be a great idea :|a MAYBE?
also I keep intending to draw things and upload them. We'll… we'll see.