here is option #1..a 1991 cadillac fleetwood..I am not sure of the color..but isn't it hot? the asking price is 1200..hmm..
this is option #2...a '96 jeep cheroke..2 door.. 4X4..asking price: 2450
option #3...mercedes '81 380SE..ver ver ver nice..I am loving it...a lot!..asking price: 1500 or the price as well..
so and my mom discussed car options..these are some of them..she said that I could spend no more than 1000 on it..but when she she's the benz for 1500.. i think she will be ok with the extra 500..i hope atleast. there is this HUGE WHALE OF A CAR for sale up the street from me..but i'm not really feeling it. plus, it would take like 3 jobs alone to pay for the ..but if i do get the you think it would get ripped off/broken into/vandalized in the student parking lot?...hmm..i hope not b/c anyone who messes with my acr would be in some serious trouble...and if you mess with best expect the rest to get corny am i?
love you all,