16 things you may or may not have known about me. =]
1. My middle name is Alandra.
2. I have a rather uncanny adoration for sushi. Seriously. If it could ask me to marry it, I might say yes. I don't think we'd last long though, what with my constant desire to eat it.
3. I write songs. I like each one for about a day, and then proceed to think it's the stupidest thing in the world. I guess I'm just a teenager like that.
4. I used to be completely obsessed with Harry Potter.
5. I love Starbucks, but I don't drink coffee.
6. I prefer frozen yogurt over ice cream, unless I'm looking for comfort food.
7. I could spend all day in a library or a theater, but I can only spend about half an hour in a mall before I start to get antsy.
9. I have a bad habit of ruining headphones. My mom bought me a really nice set two months ago. I broke them a month later.
10. I don't just watch Doctor Who. I worship it. Probably not all that good for my health.
11. Once is my favorite movie.
12. I'm terrified of needles, statues, and things touching my eyes... especially needles and statues touching my eyes, as my dad points out.
13. My favorite band is The Beatles.
14. I laugh at times when it really doesn't make sense to do so.
15. I don't want to read Twilight. I probably will someday. But I don't look forward to it.
16. I'm going to be a freshman this year. WOO!