Title: Our Destiny
Type: Short Story
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance, Dark, AU, Genderswitch, Angst, Fluff(?)
Status: Chapter 5/?
Pairing: KyuMin (girl!Sungmin) & YeWook (girl!Ryeowook)
Sungmin: Let it be what it will be..... Everything had already been set by Destiny......
Note: English isn't my first language, so forgive me all the mistakes please!
A/N: I'm so SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY *singing mode on* for the late update, it's been almost a week long since I last updated Chapter 4, hasn't it? it's because EXAM >.< though today I still have a test, it's Speaking Test this evening at 3PM and it's now 1PM already here, thus only 2 hours left *frighten*. This Chapter took me almost a whole morning of today, I made it more KyuMin, so hopefully you guys enjoy this, I tried to make this as a romance one, but I don't know if it's romance or not, give me ST★R to tell me after reading please! oh one more thing is that I think there will be only 2 or 3 chapters left to the end of this fic. I'm very thankful to all of you who are the readers of this fic. THANK A LOT *bow* here you go, Chapter 5, happy reading ^^
Introductory & Prologue //
Chapter 1 //
Chapter 2 //
Chapter 3 //
Chapter 4 “hmmm sorry Miss, this is 10B seat, isn’t it? But it happens to have another guy sitting there” Kyuhyun pointed to the said seat with his left hand and asked another flight attendant once he had made sure it was his seat.
Sungmin was finding something in her hand bag, it was a book, once she found it, she raised her head up to see Kyuhyun’s left hand, as she paused whatever she was doing.
“excuse me Mister, what is your seat number?” the flight attendant asked the guy which was seated in 10B seat.
“hmmm, 11B, well, what is the problem? This is 11B, isn’t it?” the guy said.
“oh sorry Mister, this is 10B actually, you are supposed to be in this seat” the flight attendant said as she pointed to the seat which was behind Kyuhyun’s seat.
“oh sorry, I confused that this is 11B, sorry Mister” that guy said sorry to both flight attendant and Kyuhyun.
“thank you” said the flight attendant.
“no problem at all” replied Kyuhyun.
Sungmin’s eyes kept staring at Kyuhyun’s left hand wherever it was moved to. Kyuhyun made himself seated in the 10B seat after shoving his hand bag into the case above passengers’ seat.
After that, Kyuhyun spotted someone was staring at him constantly for every movement he made, he thought he was disturbing the neighbor reading since he saw she was grabbing a book.
“hmmm, sorry if I disturb your rea------?” Kyuhyun was in the middle of his sentence once he saw something he was so eager to see since the past 13 years.
They both then thought of the past and…
“are you-----?” Sungmin said shockingly.
“Good morning all the passengers……” one of the flight attendants started showing how to use parachute and where all the passengers could find it, but both Kyuhyun and Sungmin ignored it
“my appa said only my future wife who has the ability to receive this necklace.” Kyuhyun said in amazement. ‘if she is that girl, she will probably know what to respond to this sentence’ Kyuhyun thought
“that’s no problem, but the problem is that how I can take your stuff if we never known each other like this?” Sungmin continued surprisingly. Tears started forming in her eyes.
“okay, if my appa ask, I’ll tell him that you agree to be my future wife. Anyway just call it as an exchange, I give you this necklace and I get that bunny ring from you, okay? it’s fair already, right?” Kyuhyun said again, tears were visible at the edge of his pair of eyes
Sometimes words might not mean enough to describe what they felt for that moment, Kyuhyun leaned over to captured Sungmin’s lips with his though it was their first kiss ever, Sungmin broke the kiss once they run out of breathe and they both were a bit awkward.
“sorry, I didn’t mean to ki---” Kyuhyun once again was cut by Sungmin bursting out laughing made Kyuhyun showed a confusing face.
“hmmm may I know why you are laughing?” Kyuhyun said sheepishly
“sorry so-sorry, I can’t control myself. I never thought that you could really wear this ring” Sungmin said still catching her breathe.
“what!? Fine, I’ll take it off then”
“don’t! I’m wearing this necklace too” Sungmin said showing the necklace on her neck. Kyuhyun nodded looking at Sungmin in the eyes.
“anyway, we have known each other for 13 years yet we haven’t been aware of each other’s name yet. My name is Kyuhyun, Cho Kyuhyun, yours?” Kyuhyun introduced
Sungmin laughed again, she could swear she hadn’t laughed this much for a long time ago.
“nice name, my name is Sungmin, Lee Sungmin, wait, what Kyuhyun? Cho?” Sungmin was kind of shock to hear that his last name was Cho and so did Kyuhyun.
“yeah Cho, why? What is your last name again? What Sungmin?”
‘maybe just the same last name, there are many Korean people whose last names is Cho though’ thought Sungmin.
“it’s Lee, Lee Sungmin, what’s wrong?” Sungmin replied still thinking about the coincident that the guy who she was going to marry to and the guy who she had been waiting for 13 years and finally met at a funny condition like this had the same last name.
‘Lee is a common sure name though Yesung hyung’s friends, Eunhyuk hyung and Donghae hyung are all in Lee also’ thought Kyuhyun.
“well, Kyuhyun-ssi, can I ask you something?” said Sungmin
“sure, anyway drop the formality, only Kyu is fine, I’m quite comfortable with that” replied Kyuhyun.
“hmmm, then you might just call me only Min then, just like you, quite comfortable though”
“then what do you want to ask me just now?” asked Kyuhyun.
“errrr I’ve been wondering where you were at the day after we met each other at that park” Sungmin said lowering her head thinking through the time she was waiting for him,
Kyuhyun tilted her head up and said “I’m sorry, I’m really sorry, I was going to the park again if only I hadn’t to move to England due to my father’s business the day after we accidentally met that day” and Kyuhyun hugged Sungmin tightly and Sungmin began to cry in Kyuhyun’s embrace earning many gazes from the other passengers
It was a bit difficult for them since there was an armchair in the middle of their seats, thus Kyuhyun pulled up the armchair so that the two seats became one bigger seat. But it was somehow a bit lucky since there was no passenger in 10C seat, and made it easy for them.
“excuse me Miss, can I have a glass of strawberry milk?” Kyuhyun asked one of the flight attendants when she was walking across their seats while he was still hugging Sungmin.
“yes sure, anything else?” she replied.
“hmmm just one another bottle of pure water, thank you” Kyuhyun said using his free hand to search for his wallet.
“please wait for a moment” replied the flight attendant. Kyuhyun nodded.
Few minutes later, the flight attendant came back with a bottle of pure water and a paper-box of strawberry milk, she handed them to Kyuhyun as he paid the money.
“Min, it’s okay now, don’t worry, you know what? I’m really afraid of girls’ tears, I usually don’t know what to do, please stop crying okay?” Kyuhyun said after he had placed the drinks on the free seat beside him.
“Kyu~~” Sungmin tried to calm herself down and looked at Kyuhyun.
Kyuhyun held Sungmin’s chin and said “stop crying okay? Everything will be fine. Drink this first” he then incited the paper box and handed Sungmin the strawberry milk he had ordered just now.
“why do you know I like strawberry milk?” Sungmin asked took the drink and she began drinking it.
“you like it? that’s great, I was thinking you wouldn’t like this, errrr just I see many pink stuffs on your body, to be honest, I don’t really know what girls like to do, like to eat or like to drink, just…” Kyuhyun paused.
“just what?” Sungmin asked cutely while she was drinking the strawberry milk, they had forgotten that Sungmin was still in Kyuhyun’s embrace since they both were comfortable in that position.
“just whenwekissedeachotherjustnowitastedstrawberrymilkfromyourlips (when we kissed each other just now, I tasted strawberry milk from your lips)” and then Kyuhyun blushed like he was put 2 tomatoes on his cheeks.
“huh? … Kyu, you idiot” it took Sungmin sometimes to realize what Kyuhyun said and once she got what he was trying to say, it was time for her cheeks to blush red like tomatoes. Kyuhyun adored that pair of tomatoes on Sungmin’s cheeks very much, he pinched slightly on them earning a glance from Sungmin and they both started talking about something randomly except the fact that they might not be able to be together anymore once they landed in Korea.
Sungmin liked drinking strawberry milk, she usually drank it but this time it felt different, this paper box of strawberry milk was much much much sweeter than the others, not just because Kyuhyun bought for her but also she was drinking while sitting with him.
Few hours later, it was getting colder and colder in the plane…
“Min, you’re cold?” Kyuhyun asked when he saw Sungmin rubbed her arms few times.
“ummm” Sungmin nodded.
“where is sweater or coat?” Kyuhyun asked looking at Sungmin.
“I’ve just realized that I forgot it in the luggage and I……” Sungmin hadn’t finished her sentence yet…
“take mine then” Kyuhyun said taking off his jacket and put it on Sungmin from the behind. Sungmin smiled “Thank you Kyu”
Then she shifted herself and wore the jacket and suddenly hugged Kyuhyun in her embrace.
“eh? Why?” Kyuhyun asked shockingly.
“you lend me your jacket, aren’t you cold? I just don’t want you to catch a cold either feel cold or whatever ijustwannahugyou”
“oh okay. But what is the last sentence?”
Sungmin dove into Kyuhyun’s chaste “I just wanna hug you, can’t I?”
“of course you can. Min I’m very cold now, you need to hug me tighter” and Sungmin did what she was asked to do, thus Kyuhyun returned the hug.
Sometimes later, Kyuhyun found Sungmin fell asleep already because she didn’t have enough sleep last night, and he then shifted Sungmin’s body into a better position so that she wouldn’t hurt herself when she woke up. Kyuhyun kept looking at Sungmin’s sleeping face.
“you’re too cute to resist, Min” Kyuhyun mumbled to himself as he was patting the milky face girl. Later on Kyuhyun fell asleep too.
“hi, all the passengers, we are now going to land. Please be prepared with the seatbelt and everything” Kyuhyun was woken up by the sound.
“Min, Min…” he woke Sungmin up “we’re going to land in just a few minutes later, Min” he added.
“hmmm? Going to land now? Oh sorry to sleep on you Kyu, well how long have I been sleeping anyway?” said Sungmin.
“I’m willing to do it so don’t sorry, hmmm I don’t know too though I was sleeping also” replied Kyuhyun then they both prepared themselves.
When the plane landed and all the passengers were making their ways off from the plane, Kyuhyun found Sungmin’s hand with his left hand (the hand with the bunny ring) and took a hold of her hand as she held it tightly back while she felt the ring on his hand.
The ring reminded her of something that let her face went a bit depress. Kyuhyun didn’t notice it until they went to take their luggage.
“what happen, Min?” Kyuhyun asked while they were busy looking for their luggage.
After they found their own luggage… Sungmin took off the necklace on her neck and handed it to Kyuhyun.
“Kyu, I don’t deserve this, I’m sorry” Sungmin was going to cry but she tried her best to hold it, she was thinking that only his wife who had the ability to own the necklace, but she was going to marry to another guy already, how come she could be his?
As Kyuhyun heard it, his mind sent him the information that he came to Korea this time to marry with a daughter of his father’s friend but…
“keep it, Min no matter what happen” replied Kyuhyun
“no I can’t, I don’t have the ability to own this precious necklace anymore, it’s been with me for 13 years already, it’s time to be with its owner now” Sungmin said as she shoved the necklace into Kyuhyun’s hand.
“if you insist to do it, I’ll take it but you have to take this back too” Kyuhyun said then he took off the ring from his finger
“but Kyu…”
“wait Min, I haven’t finished my sentence yet, if we can meet each other next time, this necklace will have to be with you and always be, no returning to me back”
“deal, and the same condition with this ring” replied Sungmin ‘even I’m not your wife’ thought Sungmin. And they both hugged each other before turning over to the other so that they were backing to each other as they walked off the airport to their own house.
‘I don’t know if Destiny is exist or not, but I hope Destiny can set us to be met again’ thought both Kyuhyun and Sungmin.
==================End of Chapter 5====================
I'm off to take a shower to be let my mind fresh and be prepared for the coming Speaking Test now!!!!!! Thank for reading, don't forget I love ST★R. Bye *waves*