#96 From 'I like you' to 'I love you' {010/100}

Dec 02, 2010 23:48

Title: From 'I like you' to 'I love you'
Rating: PG
Genre: Crack, fluff(?)
Pairing: attempt!YeWook, KyuMin, EunHae, KangTeuk, HanChul
Summary: Just because the Quiz Planet app on FaceBook led to an engagement of YeWook couple. (FAIL summary, I know /nods)
Theme: 096. “I like you. I like you. I like you.”, WC * of 100 SuJu Fics Challenge
Note: this is written for a friend of mine whose birthday is tomorrow 3rd of December :D Kim JongLee (this is what I call her LOL) HAPPY BIRTHDAY, WISH YOU ALL THE BEST~~~
I actually should have posted tomorrow but I'm afraid that tomorrow I'll be busy that  I don't have enough time to do the color and stuff.

A/N: I was thinking of making a Happy Ending YeWook fic, but ended up with this one. btw I used to make a FaceBook format fic, ATTENTION! New Rule and people seemed to like it, so I hope this one will be liked too, HAPPY READING~~

Kim Ryeowook is in relationship with Kim Jongwoon

Kim Ryeowook, Kim Jongwoon, Park Jungsoo, Kim Heechul, Lee Donghae and 84645594933793 like this.
Park Jungsoo congratulation, umma is happy for you ;D
Kim Ryeowook thank you umma *blush*
Lee Sungmin yay! *throw confetti*
Kim Jongwoon THANK YOU. Let’s party ∩__∩
Shin Donghee FOODDDDDDDDDD *drooling*
Shin Donghee forgot to CONGRATULATION (^__^)

Lee Donghae

Kim Heechul,Lee Hyukjae, Lee Donghae, Park Jungsoo and 765455 like this.
Lee Donghae guess with who? :D
Cho Kyuhyun too obvious to guess =.=
Lee Sungmin nice ^^
Lee Donghae love you, my monkeyhyukie

Lee Sungmin

Kim Heechul and Kim Jongwoon like this.
Cho Kyuhyun WHAT? SEARCHING??????
Kim Ryeowook KIM JONGWOON!!!!!!!!!!! /pissed
Lee Sungmin OMG, kyukyubaby, it’s that damn quiz’s fault. I have found already.
Kim Jongwoon Wookie, what happen? O_O
Lee Sungmin kyukyubaby? Please reply me, nao T^T
Lee Sungmin don’t ignore me kyukyubaby ㅠㅠ

Cho Kyuhyun > Lee Sungmin Minnie, you’ve gotta explain this fast, I will be waiting in our room. You only have 5 minutes to come.

Kim Heechul, Henry Lau, Kim Youngwoon and 96768349 like this.
Lee Sungmin COMING~~~~~ finally you talked to me ♪(´ε` )
Cho Kyuhyun 4 minutes left
Lee Donghae Sungmin hyung, stop facebook-ing
Lee Hyukjae Min, you only have 3 minutes left now XD

Lee Sungmin is in relationship with Cho Kyuhyun

Cho Kyuhyun, Lee Sungmin, Park Jungso and 8456569 like this.
Cho Kyuhyun Minnie baby, LOVE YOU <3
Lee Sungmin Kyukyubaby LOVE YOU TOO <3<3
Cho Kyuhyun <3<3<3
Lee Sungmin <3<3<3<3
Cho Kyuhyun *give up* just know that I love you the most.
Lee Sungmin yay! *melt*


Kim Heechul is waiting for a good show to play huhuhuhu~~

Han Geng, Zhou Mi, Lee Donghae and 83095 like this.
Han Geng tell me now what you have done again?
Kim Heechul just wait, Hannie ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Kim Jongwoon > Kim Ryeowook Wookie, why do you keep ignoring me like this?

Kim Heechul likes this.
Kim Ryeowook why don’t you think of what you have done???? /ANNOYED
Kim Jongwoon what have I done? I did nothing, AT ALL.
Kim Heechul seriously what??
Kim Jongwoon just now? I was feeding our baby actually, really, trust me /begging
Kim Heechul Ryeowook?? Seriously what?

Kim Ryeowook went from being “In a relationship” to “Single”

Kim Heechul likes this.
Kim Youngwoon what happen to my YeWook baby?? O_o

Kim Youngwoon > Han Geng I think you are thinking the same way as I do, so hope you will solve this soon. Thank ^^

Park Jungsoo, Han Geng, Cho Kyuhyun and 84658 like this.
Han Geng Kangin, okay, I will try.
Kim Youngwoon thank you. I just don’t want my Angel Teuk to have headache.
Park Jungsoo LOVE YOU SO MUCH, Racoonbaby <3<3<3<3<3
Kim Youngwoon LOVE YOU TOO, Teukiebaby <3<3<3<3

Ddangkkoma is very full right now, thank you Kim Jongwoon appa ^__^

Kim Jongwoon, Ddangkkoma, Kim Ryeowook, Park Jungsoo and Kim Youngwoon like this.
Kim Ryeowook baby, was appa really feeding you just now?
Kim Jongwoon baby, explain to your umma, appa doesn’t know what happen that your umma is ignoring appa :XXXX
Ddangkkoma Wookie umma, really, Yeye appa was really feeding me /nods
Kim Jongwoon THANK YOU BABY. Appa will buy more delicious food for you.
Kim Ryeowook fine, but why did you like Sungmin’s quiz planet thingies?
Kim Jongwoon Wookie baby, me is not aware of anything. Someone must have hacked my account.
Park Jungsoo Ddangkkoma, you did a great job *thumb up*

Han Geng > Kim Heechul stop it already baby, explain to them please, it’s not good to do so.

Kim Jongwoon, Lee Sungmin, Lee Hyukjae, Cho Kyuhyun and 4846758 like this.
Kim Heechul Hannie, why would I? It’s fun, isn’t it? *laughing hard*
Han Geng you really won’t stop?
Kim Heechul yes, no one can stop Kim Heechul from anything.
Han Geng even me?
Han Geng Heechul, answer me, even me?
Kim Heechul I don’t want to answer.
Han Geng fine, It means you won't stop because of someone even that someone is ME. it’s you who start this.
Kim Heechul what do you mean, Hannie?????

Han Geng will be flying to China tomorrow T^T

Kim Youngwoon and Park Jungsoo like this.
Kim Heechul Hannie, what the hell is happening with you???? XD
Han Geng I said it was you who started this.
Kim Heechul OMG, anyway, if I explain ‘that’, you won’t go, right?
Han Geng yes.
Kim Heechul fine~~ =.=

Kim Heechul > Kim Ryeowook sorry, actually I was the one who used Yesung’s account to like Sungmin’s quiz planet.

Kim Ryeowook, Kim Jongwoon, Park Jungsoo, Kim Jongwoon, Cho Kyuhyun, Lee Sungmin, Lee Hyukjae, Zhou Mi, Henry Lau, Shin Donghee, Lee Donghae and 763857598473 like this.
Kim Ryeowook that’s okay Chulie hyung, but honestly you shouldn’t have done that.
Kim Jongwoon hyung, thank you for clarifying.

Han Geng is calling to cancel tomorrow’s flight.

Kim Heechul likes this.
Kim Heechul finally <3
Kim Youngwoon Thank you ^^
Park Jungsoo Thank you Geng.
Han Geng baby <3<3 and KangTeuk, you are welcome :D

Kim Ryeowook is engaged to Kim Jongwoon.

Kim Jongwoon, Kim Ryeowook, Park Jungsoo, Kim Heechul, Han Geng, Lee Hyukjae, Lee Donghae, Shin Donghee, Cho Kyuhyun, Lee Sungmin and 8364836485648338 like this.
Kim Jongwoon I used to say “I like you, I like you, I like you”
Kim Ryeowook so?
Kim Jongwoon I will now change to “I love you, I love you, I love you”
Kim Ryeowook I love you, I love you, I love you (^^~)

Ddangkkoma YAY!! Finally, Kim Ryeowook umma stops ignoring Kim Jongwoon appa :P

Kim Ryeowook and Kim Jongwoon like this.


FINALLY, done!!!

So, how is that? btw, better drop me a comment before leaving XD I almost died from doing the color, size, like icon, relationship icon and i even went to FB to do that damn Quiz Planet for those cap pics XDDD
anyway, about Ddangkkoma's appearance, sorry la XD Ddangkkoma used to appear once in my previous FB Fic, so yeah, I still can't resist from it LOL therefore, again, Ddangkkoma's appearance ^^ hehehe highly hope that everyone likes this as well.
And one another thing that I want to say is that, those "kyukyubaby, Minniebaby, etc..." are from snowykdarkness I found the way you call them is so cute that I used them here hehehe, hope you don't mind.

heechul, kyuhyun, shindong, donghae, pairing: hanchul, eunhyuk, type: one shot, kangin, hangeng, pairing: kyumin, sungmin, pairing: kangteuk, pairing: eunhae, type: 100 suju fanfics challenge, leeteuk, pairing: yewook, yesung, ryeowook

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