The engineer from Pella came this morning to measure for the windows.
They are to be installed sometime before the middle of June. I wrote a check for half the cost as a deposit. I always tremble when I have to spend an unusually large amount of money. As a result, I made a real mess of backing down the narrow driveway when I had to go out to the grocer's. I am still shaky. It seems I am not the profligate sort. Anyway, the windows were necessary if we were not to continue wasting heat and air conditioning on the great outdoors. The current windows are as leaky as a politician's office. Part of my shakiness is due to the fact that my blood pressure is in the toilet and my coagulation time was 5.1 last Monday. (It should be between 2 and 3. I am to check it again in two weeks.) Pella is at or near top of the line and offers a nice little tax rebate, so it should be all right. But, sweet jeezus, the money!
It was oddly reassuring that the engineer was a southern good ol' boy who knew what a maypop was without having to be told.
I saw an unusual sight at the grocer's. Two nuns in habit.