
May 14, 2009 12:32

Perched to one side of the room where I mostly live now is a device oddly resembling Artoo from the Star Wars films. (That is the dumpy one, isn't it?)

It supplies me with oxygen freshly generated and provided via a long, long umbiblicus of clear plastic. It is fully adjustable from barely there to hurricane strength. So far, I need only the slightest amount and do without that for longish periods while at the computer. I could bring it here into the studio since it has wheels but there is no need.

It has an on/off button and when turned on at first makes the most piercing wail imaginable. I am loathe to turn it off for the dread of the sound when I turn it back on. I must say, it is a good thing to have and when I need it, I need it. With my fear and hatred of addiction of any kind, I am sparing of its use.

