kunzite1's halloween party

Oct 20, 2006 00:02

31337_n1nj4 dressed as something gross, but what, specifically, you can't tell.

_phantom_glitch dressed as a 1970's disco child.

adzite1 dressed as Kirsten Dunst. that's... interesting.

afuna dressed as your mother. afuna, i'm sorry. :(

akirachick dressed as a Sad Mac.

aliciasdragon didn't dress up, spoilsport.

alora_grace dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Hilda.

alorarose dressed as Courtney Love.

anchan218 dressed as a cause. a wha?

angelicodin dressed as Tiger Woods's mother. and i bet he looks good!

arhwrites dressed as the Earl of Corbetboro.

art2chokeheartz dressed as a hellsent asset. she prolly has something in her wardrobe for that.

ballwatcher04 dressed as Ozzy Osbourne. heh, that'd be neat to see.

bathaus dressed as William Henry Harrison.

blueskycrossing dressed as a devil, and it suited them disturbingly well. definitely true.

brad dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Steel Ranger.

brandon_scott dressed as the Cardinal of Thyfone.

broknashleydoll dressed as Will Smith.

coastwatcher99 dressed as the Duke of Jasonboro. who?

cookiegirlie dressed as Anna Kournikova. XD

cosmicjohn dressed as the King of Thailand.

das_hydra dressed as a Level 1 bard. with a nifty knowledge of music.

dathenrogue dressed as the love child of Dennis Miller and Catherine Zeta-Jones.

decadence1 dressed as the Governor of Maryland.

dork_elf dressed as Mary-Kate Olsen with her very own conjoined Ashley.

dr_que dressed as a 1960's hippie child.

eduthepenguin dressed as a zombie.

eillek5150 dressed as the Continuous Power Ranger.

fakingnormal didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy. aww... :(

foxfirefey dressed as a witch.

frank dressed as a experiment.

gameboyguy13 dressed as a skunk.

geekiegirlie dressed as Karl Rove.

greylily dressed as a mummy.

her_20th_summer dressed as Gerald Ford.

homelesshotspot dressed as a substitute corporate spy department head honcho.

iharthdarth dressed as Richard Nixon.

illgoest dressed as Optimus Prime.

illogical dressed as a mummy, though it looked more like Monica Bellucci.

illogical_emo didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.

imperfect dressed as Darth Vader.

jaybeda1 dressed as a bottle of Synsondine.

ji_po dressed as Lucy Liu, and it suited them disturbingly well.

jic dressed as Gwen Stefani. umm. i don't think that works out well...

kaleidoscopeeye dressed as Daniela Pestova riding a raccoon.

kessho dressed as Optimus Prime.

kunzite1 dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Penny.

lady_isuzu dressed as a bottle of Itanvance.

lafox18dooom dressed as the Governor of New Mexico, though it looked more like a discharge.

lj_serialadder dressed as George Lucas.

lumare dressed as Thandie Newton.

masterslacker dressed as a Level 1 ranger.

michiru33 dressed as your sister. heh. i bet that was hard. ;)

missysedai dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Annoying Artist.

mm1 dressed as a hooker. ...perfect.

mm1nix dressed as Bob Dylan. before or after he stopped talking straight? o.0

mormon_princess dressed as LeBron James's father.

natakryu dressed as the Viscount of Schoreprojex.

otterpop3000 dressed as a Alvin East Manufacturing, Inc. employee, though it looked more like something quiet, but what, specifically, you can't tell.

otterprincess dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Poopsie Hamsterhead". complete with a otter-in-a-bag.

phadguy dressed as a horse.

popcultureicon dressed as Shania Twain.

princessbunny99 dressed as a character from "Before Sunset".

roberthill dressed as something frozen, but what, specifically, you can't tell.

rose_dawn dressed as a turkey, though it looked more like a mummy.

rube dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Violent Ninja. and he can't be seen!

s2docs dressed as the King of Mauritania.

scarletbrowneye dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Falafel Diaperhumperdinck".

sedatedintolife dressed as Mary-Kate Olsen with her very own conjoined Ashley.

sewcute dressed as a safety for the Packers.

shatteredshards dressed as a new superhero: Señor Princess.

shatteredsmiles dressed as the main character of "Some Like It Hot", and it suited them disturbingly well.

silverchild2 dressed as Captain Kirk from "Star Trek".

skitch102 dressed as the Lord of Cole.

snorris dressed as a outfielder for the Padres, and it suited them all too well.

sohcahtoa_net dressed as a fullback for the Panthers.

starcrossedmysi dressed as a success.

status dressed as Nicole Richie.

stealthrainfox dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Elf of Richmond.

stevieg didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.

stillimage dressed as Fat Tony.

stoirmeach dressed as Mr. Sulu from "Star Trek".

stupid_thing dressed as a toxic pixie, though it looked more like a 1990's grunge child.

sunnyrai dressed as the Governor of West Virginia.

sweetrosedragon dressed as Mary-Kate Olsen with her very own conjoined Ashley.

swta dressed as a McClellan-Pullins, LLC employee, though it looked more like James Polk.

tandroy dressed as a deer.

tanisnikana dressed as Master Shake.

tate12 dressed as a police officer.

tecknophile01 didn't dress up, spoilsport.

the_vincent dressed as Gwyneth Paltrow. hahaha!

thegameof_life dressed as Scooter Libby.

troublenstrife dressed as Carrie-Anne Moss riding a chicken.

truelifeslove dressed as the love child of Chris Rock and Nicole Kidman.

twirlandswirl dressed as something magic, but what, specifically, you can't tell.

uniquewonders dressed as Abraham Lincoln.

vahnyughi dressed as Kobe Bryant riding a buffalo.

vampibella dressed as Bugs Bunny.

vampireborg dressed as Spongebob.

venomous_ravyn dressed as a leather ghost.

veroz didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.

waitsian dressed as a lampshade.

whitaker dressed as a substitute information technology section chief.

winter_in_asia dressed as a new superhero: Water Gorilla, and it suited them all too well.

wolfklaw dressed as a circulation.

xevinx dressed as a peanut.

xtomxfallsx dressed as a dreadful vortex.

yepachuchu dressed as a third baseman for the Diamondbacks.

ymf dressed as a 1980's yuppie child.

zind4gi dressed as the Puffy Power Ranger.

Throw your own party at the Hallomeme!
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