SG-1 fic: Conversations on the Stairs, by kuonji (PG-13)

May 17, 2009 01:45

Title: Conversations On The Stairs
Author: kuonji 
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Characters: Daniel Jackson, Jack O'Neill
Pairings: none 
Category: Jack/Daniel friendship
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: none 
Words: ~340
Summary: Different stairways.  Same two guys.

Conversations On The Stairs
by kuonji


"I've got it, I've got it!"

"No, not that way. You have to--"

"Just hold onto your end and-- hey! What'd I just say?"


"What was that?"

"I said, 'Thank you, oh dearest friend of mine, for helping me move. I am the soul of gratitude.'"

"Yeah, you'd better be."

"Believe me. I'm thanking all the deities I know when we're done here. And I know a lot of them."


"So... hunh, hunh. This... is their idea of... torture? The... eternal... stairmaster?"

"You have to... admit... we must be... getting pretty... fit."

"Oh... oh, yeah. Look... on the... goddamn bright... side... why doncha? Wait till... my knee... gives out... Then we'll be... having some... real fun."

"Hang... in there, Jack. Sam... and Teal'c..."

"Yeah, I know... I know."


"Sir, incoming!"

"Shit, down! Down!"

"Ahhgh. Holy crap, that hurts."

"Get out of here, Carter. I've got him. Go! Come on, Daniel."

"Don't you think-- ergh... Don't you think I'm moving as fast as I can?"

"I'm thinking if you wouldn't keep getting yourself shot every other friggin' day, I wouldn't have as much white hair as-- ah, good to see you, Frasier."

"Glad to be home, Colonel?"

"You have no idea."



"Nooo! You cheated!"

"Did not."

"You did."

"You mean, 'did too'."


"Nevermind. Tell you what. You go hide again, and I'll give you fifty seconds this time, okay?"

"You're pretty good at this, aren't you?"

"Well, there's only so many places in here to hide. The cellar was a no-brainer."

"No, I mean... kids. You're good with them."



"I was just waiting."

"For what?"

"You know, the jokes about how I'm such a kid myself, etc. etc. etc."

"Well, since you brought it up..."


"You know I didn't mean any of that today, right? It was just the drugs. I actually... I consider you to be my best friend."

"Aw, just get up here already. Mars is setting."


A/N: An astronomy website for y'all:

type: fanfic, fandom: sg-1, slash?: no

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