Title: The Correlation Of Youth To Maturity
kuonjiFandom: Batman
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, (Zatanna, Vicki Vale, Barbara Gordon)
Pairings: none
Category: humor, family, magic
Rating: G
Words: ~3740
Summary: In which Bruce catches a murderer, Dick dresses himself, and Babs practices her pugilism in public.
The Correlation Of Youth To Maturity )
Comments 2
"So I get to be an adult for a day?" Dick piped up, sounding much like himself again, except for the two octave voice change.
Bruce scowled at the boy-turned-young man. "No, you're going to be a child with an adult's body for a day."
Haha, Bruce loves his no-fun technicalities. :P Also, LOLing at everyone else thinking Dick is well-behaved and quiet.
(P.S., thank you for the rec!)
Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed! And glad to rec a very fun fic. :)
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