Fic Update: Best Freinds Forever, Part 3, by kuonji (G)

Feb 11, 2007 22:43

Title: Best Freinds Forever (Part Three: No Girls Allowed)
Author: kuonji
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Ronon Dex, Teyla Emmagan
Pairings: none
Category: preschool kid!fic, fluff
Rating: G
Spoilers: none
Words: ~530
Summary: Girls aren't allowed!  Aren't they...?

Link to Part 1: Wrecked!
Link to Part 2: Taller

Best Freinds Forever
by kuonji

Part Three: No Girls Allowed
The Girl walked right up to their craft table and sat down across from them.

"I wish to play with you," she announced.

John stared, his eyes big and round. Ronon lifted his eyebrows. Rodney glared.

"You can't," he said.

She put her hands on her hips. "Why not?"

"You're a girl!"


Rodney looked to John for help.

John squirmed, looking uncomfortable. "We don't play with girls," he said. He didn't sound very sure.

Rodney grabbed a piece of paper and a crayon. After a few seconds, he put the piece of paper in front of The Girl. "There, see?" he said.

NO GIRLS ALLOWED, he'd written.

The Girl frowned at the piece of paper. But she couldn't do anything. It was written down, so it was a rule now. She looked up.

"Fine, then I'll be a boy, too."

Rodney stared. "You can't just decide to be a boy," he grumbled.

"Why not?"

"That's not allowed."

"Who made that rule?"

"It's a law of science," Rodney replied promptly. The only thing more iron-clad than a rule was a law of science.

The Girl pouted. "I'm going to talk to Dr. Weir," she said, before stomping off.

"Well, we got rid of her," Rodney said, pleased.

John looked pained. "But she's going to talk to Dr. Weir," he whined. "She's going to get us in trouble."

"Don't be stupid. She won't really..." Ronon nudged him and pointed. "What?"

They all three stared in quiet awe as The Girl marched right up to Dr. Weir and pulled on her shirt-hem. Dr. Weir turned, saw her, and knelt down to talk to her.

"She's brave," Ronon said. "I like her." John and Rodney both stared.

"Traitor," Rodney hissed.

They watched as The Girl was smiled at, patted on the head, and given a sandwich cookie before being sent back, completely unharmed.

"Dr. Weir says--" She paused to wipe off the crumbs and leftover bits of cream from her mouth. "Dr. Weir says that being a girl is better than being a boy."

"No way," John said, shocked.

"Dr. Weir says that girls heal people and conduct trade and go to the stars. And she says that girls are great warriors, too."

"You're lying," Ronon said, puffing up.

The Girl's face darkened. "You wish to fight?"


She decked Ronon with a single punch.

Rodney stared, seriously impressed. John stared, too. His face got petulant.

"I want to be a girl, too," he said.

"You can't," The Girl protested immediately. "I'm the girl. You can't be a girl, too."

"Why can't we both be girls?"

"I want to be a girl, too," Ronon put in, getting back up.

"Why can't we all be girls?" John amended.

Rodney raised his hand. "I don't want to be a girl," he said.

"Why can't--" John started.

"You can't be one, anyway," The Girl cut in, before he could finish this time.

"Why not?"


"Because what?"

She glowered. "Because I can beat you up."

"That's not fair!"

"She can beat you up," Rodney pointed out.

Ronon frowned. "He's right."

John pouted. But he couldn't seem to find an argument around that. "Oh, all right."

The Girl beamed.

Link to Part 4: Hidden Treasures

series: best freinds forever, type: fanfic, slash?: no, fandom: sga

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