I'm usually not doing this, but I just love this game so much and maybe there are some people who are interested in it. That being true or not, it still made a lot of fun doing this, so here we go. This will stay public, cause maybe I'll link my tumblr to this. We'll see =)
Major spoilers for the game!
Day 1: When you first started the game, what were your expectations? Did you think it would end the way it did? Were you hoping it would have something that it ended up not having? Were you happy overall with the game?
Expectations: A lot of fun, emotional heartbreaks, a lot of tears, deaths and zombie action. Ending: No, not at all! I don't know what I was expecting, but I didn't think that my group would thin out like that. I've never cried so much. Hope & Happiness: Not really. It had a huge variety of characters with different pasts and an interesting plot/good choices. The game itself cound't have given me more. I was and am more than just happy to have it! I loved it from second one.
Day 2: Pick your favorite and least favorite characters. How are they similar? Why do you like one more than the other? What were the best and worst moments for them?
I love three characters equally (Ben, Mark, Kenny) as well as I dislike Larry and Danny St. John. I'll go with the Charlotte lover XD. Well, Danny and Ben both made deals with the same bandits causing some deaths but I think that's about it. Danny creeped me the fuck out and when he said »It'll be a good one.« about the Mark-dinner I just wanted to shoot him in the head. His best moment would be that I left him trapped in his own bear trap to be dinner for the zombies. A cannibal being eaten alive, oh the irony. Must've been his worst moment =D And Ben, well I love Ben cause he is the most 'human' one. (He acts like I expect people to act in his situation.) He makes mistakes, causes deaths of beloved people, he tries and tries and fails. Story of my life. Best moments: »Fuck you, Kenny!«-speach. I was so proud. And his »We both know.« suicididal moment. When you want to die for the sake of the group (in that case only Kenny and those who voted against him) you really have hit rock bottom. I'm glad he stood his ground and decided to do the right thing: help me search for Clem. Funniest moment: Ben eating Chuck's candy. (Wow, that sounds so wrong XD) Worst moments: Kenny telling him »Lee should've left your ass in Crawford.« and the moment the bandits attacked the camp, causing Duck to get bitten and the tragedy to begin. (Though I won't ever be able to forget his shocked expression when Lily shot Carley or how he bent down to Doug's body. You could practically see his heart shatter.) The weight on his shoulders must be horribly heavy and totally depressing. I enjoyed every second Ben was smiling, because it felt like he showed me the real Ben. The 'the world is still okay' Ben. The one I woul've loved to be friends and hang out with.
The only thing Mark has in common with Danny is... the food? Mark is the food and Danny eats it. Nothing in common as well as Kenny and Danny. I don't really know why I love Mark that much. It's not like he's present for a very long time or does something heroic, but he seems like an overall nice guy and he made me laugh several times. I was really looking forward to share some time with him when he suddenly dissappeared and then I found him almost dead and there was no way to save him. I thought he was lost for good when he had that last appearance that totally broke my heart. I know that it's impossible for a zombie to think rationally but I really want to believe Mark knew what he was doing - attacking Brenda and saving Katjaa. Even as a zombie I could rely on him and that made him one of my favourites. I also admit that I thought he was hot. But the handsome guys always die, I shouldn't have ignored that rule. I really wish I could've at least put him out of his misery. I bet he would've been a good influence on Ben and that his presence would have changed Ben's behaviour - maybe even more than Travis. I felt like Mark was the only one of the adults fully accepting Ben without hesitation. And he wears glasses! Glasses! Guys with glasses are hot. Mark was really handsome. Damn!
And why I love Kenny? Definitely not because of the mustache =D Well, he reminds me of my dad. Not much, but the things they share are enough to connect with him. I think he is one of the best developed characters in the game and he goes through so much emotional shit that I just lost my heart to him because I can sympathise a lot. I don't know, the man, father and friend he is just got under my skin. I would follow him to the end of the world, because I think I would feel completely safe around him. He is a shoot first, ask questions later guy while I think and think and still can't make any decisions, so I like his energy and his ability to lead. Some say he's selfish, only thinking of his family, but hey, Clem and Lee are part of that. Even Ben. But he also has his weak spots (the drinking etc.) and that's what I love about Ben as well as Kenny.
TL;DR: I like a bunch of murderers. Mark shot Travis, Kenny salt-licked Larry and Ben caused two or three or you know deaths. Awesome! Anyone not kill someone in this game? =3