You know, after so many years, I still play with toys the same way I did as a kid. That is, strangely. :S
Name: Mimi
Gender: female
Mimi is a charming, high-functioning sociopath. She's wonderful at gaining other Pokemon's trust, love, and admiration, and then hurting them and stealing from them behind their backs. Although she enjoys weak minds, because she can more easily manipulate them, she likes to do smaller things to smarter people occasionally. Getting away with tricking a strong-minded person is usually a better ego booster, as well as more occupying and entertaining. She enjoys a healthy mix of chaos and order: social chaos, personal order. She is neat, and a very organized, clear, thinker; however, she uses this personal organization to create chaos around her, mostly just for entertainment. Her favorite thing to do is to create a powder keg of emotions (especially between couples she is breaking up), and then detonate it with a single phrase. Despite her enjoyment of manipulating mingling with others, she values her alone time greatly.
Likes: Collections, theoretical physics, classical music, things which are aesthetically/artistically interesting, dressing up
Dislikes: Bad smells, naïvity, bad fashion
Name: Dawn
Gender: female
Dawn can fluctuate between intense introversion and extroversion. On some weeks, she will stay in her room all day, thinking about herself, what's happened around her, and playing with her hobbies and interests. Other weeks, she will enjoy going out with friends. When she is out, she has a habit of copying other people's behavior, which on one hand can help her blend into any crowd. On the other, some people think she is mocking them. Nonetheless, the friends who understand her enjoy her company a lot, thinking she is entertaining and generally good-hearted (despite having some dark interests: gore, horror films, heavy metal, etc.)
Likes: Darkness, Italy, mimicking, art, gothic fashion
Dislikes: Misunderstandings/faux-pas, being disturbed, loud noises
Name: Undertaker
Gender: male
Named after Undertaker in Black Butler (don't ask me about it, I still haven't read it >< been meaning to)
Name: Envy
Gender: female
Named after Envy from Fullmetal Alchemist
Name: ... For some reason I can't stop thinking "Fluffums" xD
Gender: male
Name: Moncchino (Chino for short)
Gender: male
Some weird-ass Italian portmanteau of Monk and Minccino. I like it. 'u'
Fastidious, obsessive-compulsive, Chino likes shiny things and cleanliness. He has a list (originally kept in his mind, then transferred to paper, written and re-written neatly) of what's "good" and "bad," and he avoids the "bad" stuff. He is astute, and sees through people easily when they lie. He has a good sense of humor, and understanding his problem, will often try to accept hugs and handshakes (partially to be kind, but also in attempt to mend his problem).
Likes: Cleanliness, even numbers, symmetry, biochemistry, gold, shiny things
Dislikes: Reds, odds (especially if they're indivisible)
they all have personality disorders because disorders make the world go round round round round
ugh every time I come up with a name I take a bit to get used to it x_x
Yeah so there's mah parteh..
Based entirely on cuteness lol
It's a work in progress, so I need to think of names.. and add/edit bios
and perhaps draw pictures
because I am deranged
as well as pin this post timeline-wise so that all who visit my page will understand that I have a problem