Plastic Tree Worldwide

Mar 06, 2007 20:45

So, in order to have Plastic Tree aware of Plastic Tree Worldwide, I wrote a comment in Japanese so I can post it on Bucchi's blog. But, before posting, the_secret_i said we should ask the other Kurages if this is good enough, or if we should add other things to it. So, here it is!! Please comment and say your input ^_^


実はこれ Plastic Treeのメンバー全員に見てもらいたいんですけど、ブッチさんのブログにコメントしちゃいます。 Plastic Tree メジャーデビュー10 周年と言う事で世界中に住んでいるプラのファンたちが集まってこれを作ってみました!!

これは 2月に始めた物なんですけど色んな形でファンたちをインターネットで集めて一致出来るようにしたんです。見てのとおり日本の外にもいっぱいプラのファンがいるんです★もし可能ならばまた海外ツアーをやって私たちの国にも来て下さい!!





Nice to meet you! (hajimemashite is something you say when you're talking to someone for the first time)

This is actually something we want all the Plastic Tree members to see, but I'm just going to comment on Bucchi san's blog. Because this is the 10th year after Plastic Tree's major debut, all the Plastic Tree fans throughout the world got together and made this!!


This is something that was started in February, and we collected all the Plastic Tree fans by internet in all kinds of ways and united all the fans together. As you can see on there, there are lots of fans outside of Japan. If it's possible, please do another world wide tour, and come to our countries too!!

If you have time, please send us a reply back to our e-mail writing about your thoughts on this!


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