Onto Veronica Mars, 3.11! Nothing horrendously long and convoluted this time, I hope. Spoilers for the
opening of 3.12. See the director's cut.
The good: a notable lack of Piz! The bad: a notable and prolonged absence of Wallace, and a very inappropriate pelvic thrust.
The MOTW was okay. On the surface, it was a better idea than the missing monkey one. Then again, I have always been able to appreciate stories about prostitutes, so that was a close hit. But at any rate, the execution of it was a little weak, especially with the whole, "Let's blackmail a judge for one grand, oh and can we hop a limo full of potential baddies? :D" idea. Because dude, that's as far and away as you can get from hatching a fool proof plan. Or, y'know, just a plan in general. It reminded me a lot of the Meryl/Sully episode, with Veronica doubting one while almost-reluctantly, but at least not grudgingly, helping the other. So yeah, it sort of fell short for me. It was still mildly enjoyable, though, because I managed liked Wendy, whereas Meryl filled me with the urge to slap. So hookers are good, but female scientists are bad and bitchy. RT and I have a connection. *high fives*
Anyhow, Logan's the one who seems to have his head screwed on straight, shown when he tried to dissuade Veronica from blackmailing the judge. I think I already
addressed the issue of development on Logan's part but I'll say it again here: he's obviously a lot more grown-up compared to when he was in S1/S2, and his changes are obvious. Reverting to OPJ would be backtracking and that's not good, but I have to admit I miss the snark. I mean the mean kind of snark, not the one sans bite version. I realize he and Veronica have absolutely no reason to snipe at each other since that is so past seasons! but there's really... no one else! Really! Logan isn't very people-friendly (more like all thorns) so he doesn't get to interact with the other characters as much as Veronica does, and while there's Dick, Dick isn't really a worthy sparring partner. So yes. Mean and bitter snark? I miss that. I don't think the lack of it is detrimental to his character, but I do wish (as in, silly fangirl wish) the writers would put him situations where he could interact with others more. Like, say, Wallace? Remember, the egg drop project? The prison scenario? Yeah. More please. But this episode we got to see more Logan faces and that's never a bad thing. Remember the last episode?
So Nish made an appearance early in the Dean's murder case. Does that make her a red herring? I don't know, and I hope not, because honestly I would love to see her flayed some. In other news, I'm not really sucked into the whole who-killed-the-dean bit. I find myself missing the Fitzpatricks, of all people. Dot dot dot.
For the most part, I really liked the bedroom scene. I don't know why it felt a little rushed or at least a little off to have this redemption and reformation thing going on right now. Maybe it's because of my fears for 3.12. Anyway, I liked that Veronica chose to temporarily discard her cap of Moral Superiority, and I really liked that she tried not to judge Logan. I think some people may have felt that it was Veronica giving Logan the chance to come clean before he disappoints her again, but to me it wasn't all like that. It was Veronica trying not to tie him to her standards; Veronica wanting to love him for who he was, shortcomings and all, and it showed that doing this wasn't easy for her either. "You can have my turn" made me absolutely gleeful. I also love how Logan looked like he was bracing for the emotional crush surely to follow when he asked, "Do you still love me?" The smile that crept up on Veronica's face made me feel so warm and fuzzy, and when she said "yes" in that almost sly tone, I wanted to hug her! And Logan! And the telly! And you know the really hot hot sex that came afterwards, I almost Oh wait, we still haven't seen a really hot hot Logan/Veronica scene. Flashbacks do not count. :(.
Aaaaaanyway, I guess the walls start crumbling in the next episode because, like I said, it was hard for her to do this and maybe it's Madison's too hard. I want to say mad props for trying, but I'll refrain from saying too much because promos tend to mislead anyway. (I don't believe Veronica would be pregnant. Bring it on, RT.) And pessimism is too easy for me. And I am going to die if no one writes an AU 3.11 fic where earlier in the episode, Madison got shot and her body was thrown off a cliff so she never had the chance to make her appearance. Happy lingerie shopping, happy lingerie shopping! Until next week, my friends!
(Oh, and I thought about doing another picspam but I have a feeling it's only going to consist of Logan/Veronica and a pinch of Wendy? There was nothing else that I really felt strongly about in the episode. D: I'll get to it tomorrow.)