“No” she cried inside, her heart looks like being squeezed by iron hands and she can’t figure it out why.
He was the enemy, right? They had to kill him or he will destroy their loved princess.
So, why her heart was hurting so much?
She push that strangers thoughts away, pretending do it whit the same facility that she do it whit her long blond
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Comments 2
Hi There,
Just want to remind you that you are running a little low on participation at the moment.
You are an active member so you are expected to participate in at least 2 activities per fortnight.
At the moment you have yet to participate in any challenge. You'll need to vote in 2 challenges and enter one at least. Otherwise you're welcome to move to social status, and you won't need to have minimum participation requirements. Let me know. :)
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YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME TO RETURN TO THE COMMUNITY AT ANY TIME! Simply comment on the official application to either request reinstatement to your previous Team or ask for a re-assignment.
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