Title: Seeking Light
Pairings: Kyuwook, Minwook, Eunhae, Kangteuk, Sihanchul, Heeteuk!friendship ( a lot more later, i promise)
Rating: PG13 maybe ( i'm quite violent, hehe)
Summary: Kyuhyun was born and raised as a member of the Dark Society, an organization where death and killing were inevitable and violence was part of life. Not even as he
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Comments 19
whoaaa, wookie really think about what kyuhyun's say about him *despite he only knew him a little
and sungmin.. i felt sorry about him *pat sungmin's back* well, it's just wookie really see sungmin as his big brother :)
hope there's no fight between sungmin n kyuhyun later :D *but well, it'll still be great ^^
thanks for update :)
yeah, i feel sorry for sungmin too but he'll be better a big brother than a lover, don't you think? hehe n_n
well yeah, can't blame it, sungmin looks nicer to be a brother than a lover for wook ^^
update soon :)
i hope to update soon too..
Choco ^^
i hope i make it a bit more interesting soon...
Uli Hwaiting! XD
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i hope you'll still like my next update n_n
i wonder what will happen now that sungmin had told kyuhyun to back off... (hopefully he won't listen..... c'mon kyu, don't let him tell you what you can do...)
anyways! update soon! i've been missing this and i'm glad you updated!~
being grounded really sucks...
my mind was almost drained out of ideas, hehe...
i hope you'll like the next one
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