Title: Seeking Light
Pairings: Kyuwook, Minwook, Eunhae, Kangteuk, Sihanchul, Heeteuk!friendship ( a lot more later, i promise)
Rating: PG13 maybe ( i'm not sure anymore)
Summary: Kyuhyun was born and raised as a member of the Dark Society, an organization where death and killing were inevitable and violence was part of life. Not even as he left
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Comments 20
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actually, jaejoong already appeared in the last chapter...chapter 9, i think?....
hehehe...it always takes me too long to update so i won't blame you for not remembering...ehehehe
thanks again....
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OMO I'm melting. So much KyuWook moment here :D
Kyuhyun start to show some human in him xD Little bunny for Wookie kyaaa, he give it to him.
I can't stop smiling, such a cute chapter XD It was worth waiting ^^
i'm so glad that you liked it...hope you'll still continue to read my next chapters...hopeful smile*
this chapter is really looooooooooong, I like it xD
aaggggghhh!!! Hae is so cute as always!! calling his friend the other fishy, caring if it 'drowned'??? lol~
and you added 'Mr.Superman' referred to Kyuhyun? is it a coincidence? with the Superman performance today. maybe I'm too delusional, everything seems to be related at the moment >.since the fluffy moments have ended and now it comes to main point, the mafia part ( ... )
Hehe...you got me...you're right, the last part was the main part...I was afraid that someone would think it was too boring so I can't really tell the readers that it was the main part...hehe...was it too obvious?.. But yeah, this was the part that I was leading upon...I've thought about it some time ago but I'm not sure how to put it in so the accessory parts were added...So the spark was just there :)
I hope to update...but i'm not sure when...please don't stop waiting...please?
i feel bad but i laughed while reading that sungmin couldn't get on the ferris wheel with wookie... and i'm glad that kyu was able too ^^ gaaaah good job to the eunhae couple lol!
hrmmm heechul and henry... i wonder what their intentions are.....
i will await your update!!! ^^
Please don't hate me if I'll take too long before the next update...most of the time I'm late is that because I don't have any computer to use...hehe
Please don't get fed up waiting...thanks again:)
i would never hate you... there's no reason too. :)
well, then I'll await for the day that you finally have an idea for the next fic...i'm excited to read new fics...
sadly for me, i still haven't read all the updated fics in miracle___
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