New Journal!

Aug 19, 2004 01:10

Nna has a new and improved journal which is finally up and running kinda... no more from me in here, if you want to be added to my other journal, please, post on my first entry in my new journal, mah new name is "scrumptious_nna" MWAH!

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Comments 2

silef_reta August 20 2004, 05:09:32 UTC
Good one genius. You set it so only friends can post. So unless someone is already your friend they can't reply to your new journal to request to be added.

And seeing as you'll (I assume) only be posting friends only entries this is both redundant and over-kill... Did I mention it makes it hard to request to be friends-listed?


kurai_neko August 20 2004, 07:56:11 UTC
I know buddy! I put that option up after I posted that post, I dunno why it's being gay :( but I'm gonna post one more in here and stuff... so yeah!


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