Feb 16, 2009 16:24

I was tagged bymystofthestars , so... IT'S MEME TIME!!!

[1] Make a list of 5 things you can see:
-My cup of tea
-My pc
-My exercise book (I was studying Spanish...)
-My contact lenses

[2] Would you do anything for anyone? I would do my best for the people I love, but "anything" is a word too...heavy? Strong? Whatever.

[3] What are four things you usually keep in your purse (or pocket, wallet, etc.)?
-My driving licence ( as if I use it...=_=)
-Identity card
-Credit card and Clowcards(all these cards are making me crazy)

[4] What is a goal of yours that you would love to achieve?
I'd reeeeaaally like to pass my economy exam.U_U

[5] Would you rather find your true love but live without your family or vice versa?
First find me my true love, the we can talk about this.XD (Well, maybe my choice would be the first one...)

[6] Who was the last person you hugged?
My sister yesterday evening, I think ('cause I won't see her untill next Friday).

[7] What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
Ehr...Vampire Knight, TRC and Merlin.XD

[8] What was the last thing you ate today?
I've just finished drinking a cup of Earl Grey tea. =3

[9] What was the last text message you received? Do you enjoy texting?
A "Good night" message from a friend. Both of us couldn't fall asleep tonight.XD

[10] What websites do you always visit when you go online?
LJ, EFP,, my Uni's website (well, not always...)

[11] What was the last thing you bought?
XXXHolic 9, 2 days ago.*lol*

[12] What random useless fact did you learn today?
I'll never remember that "Sobrino" is "Nephew" and "Nieto" is "Grandson". WHY??? Why isn't "Nieto"="Nephew"?!

[13] Are you a morning person?
Uh? Yes...maybe. I don't know...^_^''

[14] What would you tell your 12-year-old self if you could?
Kick this hateful girl's ass!!! And cut your hair.

[15] What is your favorite weather, and why?
Sunny, but not too hot, so I can stay outside without freezing or melting.

[16] If you could play any musical instrument, which one would you play?
The piano or the guitar (how predictable...).

[17] Do you have any siblings?
One sister.

[18] What's something you'd like to say to someone right now?
Well, I'm already saying what I want to say to 2 friends of mine...

[19] Say something to the person who tagged you:
Myst...grazie per avermi taggata, salvandomi da spagnolo (almeno per un pò)!<3

Tagging people: 
Well, everybody can feel tagged.XD

P.S. Sto cercando di buttar giù un po' di flashfic Will/Lyra per il meme di Wren, ma mi vengono troppo lunghe.XD


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