A request made by
I have written 2 fanfics. The other one (the longer one, now 1000 + words XD ) is still in progress, nearly finished ^^
This is a 100 word drabble NxM
Title: Of Howalons and Bubble Gums
Word count: 100 word exactly
Pairings: Natsume x Mikan
Genre: General, Romance
Spoilers: None
Summary: Howalons and Bubble Gums are at a high demand
Rating: K+ or T
Of Howalons and Bubble Gums
He snatched the Howalon she was holding and popped it into his mouth.
“Natsume! You-” The girl yelled.
“Too bad, you weren’t eating it anyways, poka-dots. Just waving it around,” He replied coldly and walked away.
Natsume tore open the pack of gum and was about to but the newly bought gum in is mouth when a hand belonging to Sakura Mikan snatched it away and put the gum into her mouth.
She chewed. “Pay back, Natsume!” She said. However, a few seconds later, she wasn’t chewing gum anymore. That gum is now in Natsume’s mouth, he was chewing happily.
The longer fic will be posted later today or tomorrow.