Fanfic: Of Howalons and Bubble Gums

May 27, 2006 13:18

A request made by 

I have written 2 fanfics. The other one (the longer one, now 1000 + words XD ) is still in progress, nearly finished ^^

This is a 100 word drabble NxM

Title: Of Howalons and Bubble Gums
Word count: 100 word exactly
Pairings: Natsume x Mikan
Genre: General, Romance
Spoilers: None
Summary: Howalons and Bubble Gums are at a high demand 
Rating: K+ or T

Of Howalons and Bubble Gums

He snatched the Howalon she was holding and popped it into his mouth.

“Natsume! You-” The girl yelled.

“Too bad, you weren’t eating it anyways, poka-dots. Just waving it around,” He replied coldly and walked away.


Natsume tore open the pack of gum and was about to but the newly bought gum in is mouth when a hand belonging to Sakura Mikan snatched it away and put the gum into her mouth.

She chewed. “Pay back, Natsume!” She said. However, a few seconds later, she wasn’t chewing gum anymore. That gum is now in Natsume’s mouth, he was chewing happily.

The longer fic will be posted later today or tomorrow.

fanfic, nxm

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