Not a whole lot going on but yet I'm still behind in everything!
School is jammed packed with everything you can think of. Okay, no, not mutant lizards, but still...
Moving on! I'm taking Progress of Redemption which is essentially moving throughout the Bible to track God's work and His great plan. It's been an amazing study so far and I'm enjoying it immensely. I'm also studying Romans as a class, and that has just been overwhelmingly rewarding. When it comes to the New Testament, Romans is just one of the big guys and most Christians have a high regard for it, but to actually spend an entire semester studying it with others is turning out to be an awesome experience.
I'm also doing a study in the Old Testament, in Psalms, and that has been just as rewarding. In Psalms, I see a reflection of myself, of the times that I have wailed to God and begged the question of "Why?" and "How long?" To know that since the beginning of time, this question has been asked doesn't surprise me, but to realize that it is recorded in God's very word? That there encourages me. Psalms, for me, is like a personal relationship with God. He doesn't desire that we try to cram everything we're feeling and thinking inside of us, to hide it away, but to share it with Him. He already knows all things but for us to openly express them to Him and call upon His mercy and compassion.
There's a lot more I could say about that class, but I suppose that shall suffice for now.
I'm in my third section of Teaching English as a Second Language. I've missed two classes so far and I hate that! It's a great class and the time flies by - which is three hours but it meets once a week.
And, finally, the one class I've come to love and hate...maybe hate more than love: Theology. Oh Lord, forgive me, but I can't stand the class. It meets for three hours on Monday and it's ongoing discussion basically. We do a butt-load of reading before hand and then talk about in class. Part of which is the professor disagreeing with the writer of the book, despite our tests being on what that writer says. Every class, without fail, I've ended up with a headache in. It isn't my style in any shape or form. I will be glad to have it done!
In other news, I've been involved with a group called COPS over at First Baptist Church in Lexington and I have to say, I'm loving it. It's been an amazing time with an amazing group of people. It's formed by families who have cops in their families. Mostly the cops and their spouses but since my dad is cop, I'm welcomed as well. It's just been such a blessing to be there with them and to see these good men and women going out every day, risking their lives to protect the very people who more often than not, despise them. Let's face, any time you're dealing with a cop, you're either being written a ticket, being arrested, or involved in a crime (whether victim or criminal). People don't seem to grasp what these men and women are doing, are going through, and not for any grand payout in the end, you know?
And just so we have this covered, Police Men do a helluva lot more than fireman.
But I may be biased. But seriously, firemen are always getting the credit. Always getting the praise. Always getting the spotlight.
Moving on. I...don't really have much else to say right now. Hmmm, well, I don't suppose it really matters. I think my sinus drugs are kicking in no- zzzzzzzzzz