No non-people pics to choose from this week, so I chose allen eating some EXTREME CHOCOLATE MADNESS CAKE at IKEA.
Most of this week was spent moving in of course. I packed on Monday and moved in with the help of Allen and Landon on Tuesday. I spent the rest of the day just putting my shit away, setting up my interweb, etc.
Most of this week has just been lazing around besides our trip to IKEA and Publix and Tuesday and My sister taking me to Publix 2 days ago.
I've started a new Pokemon save since in an apartment with Ari and Matt about 50% of the conversation is Pokemon related. The only thing I'm really doing different is trying to use Pokemon that I don't normally use.
Ari downloaded Oblivion this week. It didn't exactly run well on his computer (menus loaded, but the rest of the screen was pure white), but it runs on low settings on my PC. 640x480 ftw! I've been messing around with the construction set a bit, so hopefully I can get some skills at it and be able to make some cool shit. That'll probably take up a lot of my time tonight.
I also downloaded Photoshop, 3d Studio Max and Blender to accompany Oblivion. I've spent a lot of this week messing around with 3d studio max, but man is it irritating. It's a very non-forgiving program, and isn't n00b friendly. Someone suggested Blender, which is a freeware 3d modeling program. It has a pretty in depth wiki complete with a n00b to pro guide, so I've worked my way through that some.
I got Photoshop so I can hopefully texture the models that I make in Blender. I've been working through the tutorials that it provides on there, and I've already gotten a lot better at it (which is easy cause I didn't have any skill to begin with). My ultimate goal is to model a sword in Blender or 3d Studio max and then texture it and put it into Oblivion as a useable weapon. That and make pictures of Allen with penises in his mouth.
Speaking of Allen, he and I finished Eureka Seven this week. The ending, although confusing, was pretty good. I really like a lot of aspects of it and how different character's stories wrapped up. EXCEPT THAT ONE THING THAT THEY DIDN'T NEED TO DO. ALLEN YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. ;( I highly recommend it.
Oh yah, we kinda started a shitty Korean MMO called Trickster this week. I doubt it'll ever be played again. Maybe a little. Here's what it looks like, with the terrible proof that 4chan is everywhere:
Other than that, only 2 weeks left til school starts, so I gotta savor it. And I wanna see my ewin!