02-28: on plane
03-01: arriving in Tokyo in the evening => hotel booked
03-02 - 03-04: time for shopping etc.
anyone interested in meeting ?
03-05: Nagoya => hotel booked
03-06: Kurashiki => hotel booked
03-07: Okayama => hotel booked
03-09: live in Kobe (Hotel in Okayama)
03:10: Matsuyma => hotel booked
03:11: live in Matsuyama
03-13: Fukuoka => hotel booked
03-14: Kagoshima => hotel booked
03-16: Kyoto => hotel booked, messed up, but turned out ok~ ^^;;
03-17 Kyoto => sightseeing
03-18: back to Tokyo => hotel booked
03-21: Niigata
03-22: back to Tokyo
03-23: back home