Title: Spring of Ninety-eight
kurochibimaskRating: G
Pairing: YunJae
Genre: Drabble, Fluff
A/N: Was amused then this happen
On the spring of ninety-eight, Jung Yunho fell in love -literally.
He was handsome and charming with beautiful jet black hair that Yunho love to play with. He has a smile that flutters to Yunho’s heart; engraved and never left.
His soft white cheeks with a hue of pink whenever he blushes make Yunho’s heart beats a mile faster.
His intelligent and witty words makes Yunho smile ear to ear -revealing his crooked white teeth he’s so shy of.
Jung Yunho was in love -is and will, tomorrow and the day after, forever.
And Kim Jaejoong loves him dear so as much with his handsome small head, his playful hand that always nest on his head, his whale sized heart and his crooked white smile that always muse Jaejoong’s heart since that spring of ninety-eight.