So I suppose I'd join the bandwagon. I totally have a random friending policy but I might as well get to know people right? If you're already my friend you don't have to do this but you're welcome to.
NAME/ALIAS: Daria/Kurokitsune09/Aka-chan/ Vicky (go by lots of names everywhere ^^)
GENERAL LOCATION: Colorado, USA (Green Mountain Time
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Comments 36
Well, we need to know each other, right?
NAME/ALIAS: Elisia, but call me Eris ❤
GENERAL LOCATION:A small country in Southeast Asia, namely Malaysia~
OTPs/OT3/ETC.:JongHo, OnKey..em..most of the SHINee pairing grow on me..<3
WHY ARE YOU FRIENDING ME?:Because you wrote amazing fic! and I love new friends!
WHY SHOULD I ADD/KEEP YOU: Emm...well, I'm quite nice..and...*thinks*..that's all..idk.
Malaysia?! 8O I have so many lj friends not in the same hemisphere as me. lol. Keke.
I heart the SHINee pairings too!! <3333333
I should have put this earlier or in my friending post or something lol, are you my unnie or dongsaengie?
I'm a 94-er..<3
NAME/ALIAS:Kim but call me Kimmy
OTPs/OT3/ETC.: OnKey, JongHo, JongOnKey(lol biased much)
WHY SHOULD I ADD/KEEP YOU: because i will spam on your fics lol i will just comment will start to read it when i have time and finish writing chapter 2 of terra scelta and chapter 1 of a prince's lie
Wow. everyone I friend is over seas. lol. Your biases are lovely. *hugs*
You're writing chapter two of terra scelta?! and chapter one of a princes life?! leave me a spot?! because I can't ninja like that when you post I don't think. I think I'll be asleep. *pouts*
I'm okay with that. I think my journal has like, permanent stalkers thought too. lol. so a spammer is fine. lol. XDDDDD
by the way, I'm a 91-er. Does that make you my Unnie? or Dongsaengie?
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Yonghyun? Yonghwa and Jonghyun from CNBLue? or is it Yonghwa and Seohyun? lol ^^
well, it's nice to formally meet you...kinda. ^^ ShiTae? I;ll have to look that up. ^^
ILU!!! *runs to go friend*
GENERAL LOCATION: Lithuania. Don`t worry, nobody knows where it is :D.
OTPs/OT3/ETC.: Jongho is love.
WHY ARE YOU FRIENDING ME?: Have too much free time so wanted to friend a complete stranger. Not. :D
I just happen to like your fics ;)
WHY SHOULD I ADD/KEEP YOU: Because you`re too kind to not add me :P
JONGHO IS LOVE/ It makes me happy. Like super Duper so it's good. Really? Do you? yay!! *glomps* I met a new person who likes my writing!!
And yep, Lithuania is in North Europe. Don`t worry, unnie, I`m not really good at geography as well :).
I thought you meet them everyday ^^~
I don't. I guess not to many people frequent my journals *shrugs* but in general, I do meet new people in real life. But I don't really say hi. lol
but well just found this and might fill it out as well
OTPs/OT3/ETC.: JONGHO. they are #1 atm! khunyoung, MinhoxJunho, eunteuk, RyoPi & takitsuba(Jfandom). I'm not shipping OT3 or the like but well I read my first OT5 today and well I liked it. so I'm open-minded XD
WHY ARE YOU FRIENDING ME?: cos I sense a lot of good fics in the future... good fics mean good ppl write them :)
WHY SHOULD I ADD/KEEP YOU: cos I like commenting..? I'm an enrichtment to your flist? dunno you'r free to do what u want :)
It's nice to meet you Mary. I'm sure our um...Khun OTP's might clash eventually but that's okay. We have other OTPs to fix that issue lol.
Haha. I'm not that good but thanks for the compliment. It'll fuel my ego that my Wifey and Pelin-unnie say I need to have. lol ^^
I lvoe your comments. They make my day a whole lot. I dunno why but they do. A lot of comments do actually. ^^
Are you my unnie? or Dongsangie? (is a 91-er) Just so I know what to call you. ^^
well I prefer khunyoung but I read others as well! :)
and oh I forgot! though I'm not comfortable with 2Min or JongTae (except for bbfs) I'm starting to like Sulli/Taemin... XD
lol I'm your unnie (86-er) :)
I prefer Khuntoria and honestly, Khunyoung is cute but it never really stuck in my set of OTPs. *shurgs* to each their own of course. lol ^^
2Min and JongTae is alright. And I shall be honest, they became my OT3 somehow haha ^^ I love SulTae though. They're too cute ^^
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